Job 9

1 Job prit la parole et dit:
2 Je sais bien qu'il en est ainsi; Comment l'homme serait-il juste devant Dieu?
3 S'il voulait contester avec lui, Sur mille choses il ne pourrait répondre à une seule.
4 A lui la sagesse et la toute-puissance: Qui lui résisterait impunément?
5 Il transporte soudain les montagnes, Il les renverse dans sa colère.
6 Il secoue la terre sur sa base, Et ses colonnes sont ébranlées.
7 Il commande au soleil, et le soleil ne paraît pas; Il met un sceau sur les étoiles.
8 Seul, il étend les cieux, Il marche sur les hauteurs de la mer.
9 Il a créé la Grande Ourse, l'Orion et les Pléiades, Et les étoiles des régions australes.
10 Il fait des choses grandes et insondables, Des merveilles sans nombre.
11 Voici, il passe près de moi, et je ne le vois pas, Il s'en va, et je ne l'aperçois pas.
12 S'il enlève, qui s'y opposera? Qui lui dira: Que fais-tu?
13 Dieu ne retire point sa colère; Sous lui s'inclinent les appuis de l'orgueil.
14 Et moi, comment lui répondre? Quelles paroles choisir?
15 Quand je serais juste, je ne répondrais pas; Je ne puis qu'implorer mon juge.
16 Et quand il m'exaucerait, si je l'invoque, Je ne croirais pas qu'il eût écouté ma voix,
17 Lui qui m'assaille comme par une tempête, Qui multiplie sans raison mes blessures,
18 Qui ne me laisse pas respirer, Qui me rassasie d'amertume.
19 Recourir à la force? Il est tout-puissant. A la justice? Qui me fera comparaître?
20 Suis-je juste, ma bouche me condamnera; Suis-je innocent, il me déclarera coupable.
21 Innocent! Je le suis; mais je ne tiens pas à la vie, Je méprise mon existence.
22 Qu'importe après tout? Car, j'ose le dire, Il détruit l'innocent comme le coupable.
23 Si du moins le fléau donnait soudain la mort!... Mais il se rit des épreuves de l'innocent.
24 La terre est livrée aux mains de l'impie; Il voile la face des juges. Si ce n'est pas lui, qui est-ce donc?
25 Mes jours sont plus rapides qu'un courrier; Ils fuient sans avoir vu le bonheur;
26 Ils passent comme les navires de jonc, Comme l'aigle qui fond sur sa proie.
27 Si je dis: Je veux oublier mes souffrances, Laisser ma tristesse, reprendre courage,
28 Je suis effrayé de toutes mes douleurs. Je sais que tu ne me tiendras pas pour innocent.
29 Je serai jugé coupable; Pourquoi me fatiguer en vain?
30 Quand je me laverais dans la neige, Quand je purifierais mes mains avec du savon,
31 Tu me plongerais dans la fange, Et mes vêtements m'auraient en horreur.
32 Il n'est pas un homme comme moi, pour que je lui réponde, Pour que nous allions ensemble en justice.
33 Il n'y a pas entre nous d'arbitre, Qui pose sa main sur nous deux.
34 Qu'il retire sa verge de dessus moi, Que ses terreurs ne me troublent plus;
35 Alors je parlerai et je ne le craindrai pas. Autrement, je ne suis point à moi-même.

Job 9 Commentary

Chapter 9

Job acknowledges God's justice. (1-13) He is not able to contend with God. (14-21) Men not to be judged by outward condition. (22-24) Job complains of troubles. (25-35)

Verses 1-13 In this answer Job declared that he did not doubt the justice of God, when he denied himself to be a hypocrite; for how should man be just with God? Before him he pleaded guilty of sins more than could be counted; and if God should contend with him in judgment, he could not justify one out of a thousand, of all the thoughts, words, and actions of his life; therefore he deserved worse than all his present sufferings. When Job mentions the wisdom and power of God, he forgets his complaints. We are unfit to judge of God's proceedings, because we know not what he does, or what he designs. God acts with power which no creature can resist. Those who think they have strength enough to help others, will not be able to help themselves against it.

Verses 14-21 Job is still righteous in his own eyes, ch. 32:1 , and this answer, though it sets forth the power and majesty of God, implies that the question between the afflicted and the Lord of providence, is a question of might, and not of right; and we begin to discover the evil fruits of pride and of a self-righteous spirit. Job begins to manifest a disposition to condemn God, that he may justify himself, for which he is afterwards reproved. Still Job knew so much of himself, that he durst not stand a trial. If we say, We have no sin, we not only deceive ourselves, but we affront God; for we sin in saying so, and give the lie to the Scripture. But Job reflected on God's goodness and justice in saying his affliction was without cause.

Verses 22-24 Job touches briefly upon the main point now in dispute. His friends maintained that those who are righteous and good, always prosper in this world, and that none but the wicked are in misery and distress: he said, on the contrary, that it is a common thing for the wicked to prosper, and the righteous to be greatly afflicted. Yet there is too much passion in what Job here says, for God doth not afflict willingly. When the spirit is heated with dispute or with discontent, we have need to set a watch before our lips.

Verses 25-35 What little need have we of pastimes, and what great need to redeem time, when it runs on so fast towards eternity! How vain the enjoyments of time, which we may quite lose while yet time continues! The remembrance of having done our duty will be pleasing afterwards; so will not the remembrance of having got worldly wealth, when it is all lost and gone. Job's complaint of God, as one that could not be appeased and would not relent, was the language of his corruption. There is a Mediator, a Daysman, or Umpire, for us, even God's own beloved Son, who has purchased peace for us with the blood of his cross, who is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God through him. If we trust in his name, our sins will be buried in the depths of the sea, we shall be washed from all our filthiness, and made whiter than snow, so that none can lay any thing to our charge. We shall be clothed with the robes of righteousness and salvation, adorned with the graces of the Holy Spirit, and presented faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. May we learn the difference between justifying ourselves, and being thus justified by God himself. Let the tempest-tossed soul consider Job, and notice that others have passed this dreadful gulf; and though they found it hard to believe that God would hear or deliver them, yet he rebuked the storm, and brought them to the desired haven. Resist the devil; give not place to hard thoughts of God, or desperate conclusions about thyself. Come to Him who invites the weary and heavy laden; who promises in nowise to cast them out.

Chapter Summary


This and the following chapter contain Job's answer to Bildad, and in this he asserts the strict justice at God; which is such, that no man can be just in his sight, not being able to answer to one charge, or for one sin, of a thousand he is guilty of, Job 9:1-3; and that such are his wisdom and power, that the most daring man cannot expect to succeed in an opposition to him, Job 9:4; instances are given of his power in the works of nature and providence, Job 9:5-10; notice is taken of the imperceptibleness of his actions and motions, and of his sovereignty in all his ways, Job 9:11,12; and of his fierce wrath and anger, which is such as obliges the proudest of men to stoop under him; and therefore Job chose not to contend in a judicial way with him, but in a suppliant manner would entreat him, since his hand was so heavy upon him, Job 9:13-21; he affirms, in direct opposition to Bildad and his friends, and insists upon it, that God afflicts both the righteous and the wicked; yea, gives the earth to the latter when he slays the former, Job 9:22-24; he then observes the shortness of his days, and complains of his heavy afflictions, Job 9:25-28; and concludes, that it was in vain for him to expect his cause to be heard before God, there being no daysman between them; and wishes that the dread of the Divine Majesty might be taken from him, and then he would freely and without fear speak unto him, Job 9:29-35.

Job 9 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.