Marc 4:2

2 Il leur enseigna beaucoup de choses en paraboles, et il leur dit dans son enseignement:

Marc 4:2 Meaning and Commentary

Mark 4:2

And he taught them many things by parables
As he sat in the ship, and they stood on shore;

and said unto them in his doctrine;
as he was teaching them, and delivering unto them the doctrine he had received from his Father: though the Jews say F3, that

``the Israelites will have no need (xyvm Klm lv wdwmltl) , "of the doctrine of the king Messiah, in the time to come"; because it is said, "unto him shall the Gentiles seek", and not the Israelites.''

But it appears from hence, and many other places, that the Israelites both stood in need of his doctrine, and sought after it; and very excellent it was; the doctrine of God, and of the grace of God; and was spoken with authority, and in such a manner as never man spake, and which he delivered to his apostles; and which, if ministers bring not with them, should not be bid God speed.


F3 Bereshit Rabba, sect 98. fol. 85. 3.

Marc 4:2 In-Context

1 Jésus se mit de nouveau à enseigner au bord de la mer. Une grande foule s'étant assemblée auprès de lui, il monta et s'assit dans une barque, sur la mer. Toute la foule était à terre sur le rivage.
2 Il leur enseigna beaucoup de choses en paraboles, et il leur dit dans son enseignement:
3 Ecoutez. Un semeur sortit pour semer.
4 Comme il semait, une partie de la semence tomba le long du chemin: les oiseaux vinrent, et la mangèrent.
5 Une autre partie tomba dans un endroit pierreux, où elle n'avait pas beaucoup de terre; elle leva aussitôt, parce qu'elle ne trouva pas un sol profond;
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