Proverbes 14:20

20 Le pauvre est odieux même à son ami, Mais les amis du riche sont nombreux.

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Proverbes 14:20 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 14:20

The poor is hated even of his own neighbour
As well as of strangers; that is, he is shy of him; he does not care to take any notice of him, or be friendly with him, lest he should be burdensome to him. Poverty brings a man into contempt and disgrace; the same man, in affluence and indigence, is respected or disrespected: this is true, as Gersom observes, of a man that is poor, whether in money or in knowledge, in his purse or in his understanding; but the rich [hath] many friends;
or, "many [are] the lovers of the rich" F18: for the sake of their riches; either for the sake of honour or profit, or because the rich want nothing of them, or because they themselves may gain something by them: this also is observed by the above Jewish commentator to be true of the rich in substance or in wisdom; but the former sense is best; for a wise man, if poor in the world, is but little regarded.


F18 (Mybr ryve ybhaw) "et amatores divitiis spissi", Schultens; "dilectores autem divitis multi sunt", Piscator. "Donec eris felix, multos numerabis amicos", Ovid. Trist. Eleg. 8. "Dat census honores, census amicitias", ib. Fasti, l. 1. so Phocylides, v. 925, 926.
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Proverbes 14:20 In-Context

18 Les simples ont en partage la folie, Et les hommes prudents se font de la science une couronne.
19 Les mauvais s'inclinent devant les bons, Et les méchants aux portes du juste.
20 Le pauvre est odieux même à son ami, Mais les amis du riche sont nombreux.
21 Celui qui méprise son prochain commet un péché, Mais heureux celui qui a pitié des misérables!
22 Ceux qui méditent le mal ne s'égarent-ils pas? Mais ceux qui méditent le bien agissent avec bonté et fidélité.
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