Proverbes 17:8

8 Les présents sont une pierre précieuse aux yeux de qui en reçoit; De quelque côté qu'ils se tournent, ils ont du succès.

Images for Proverbes 17:8

Proverbes 17:8 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 17:8

A gift [is as] a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath
Or "is a stone of grace" F8, the note of similitude being wanting. It is an ornament of grace, adorns the person that wears it, makes him look lovely and amiable; is very grateful and desirable in itself, attracts and dazzles the eyes, and fills the mind with pleasure; so is a gift in the eyes of him that has it, that is the owner of it; either that has it in his possession to give, is the giver of it, as Aben Ezra; which, as it is valuable in his own eyes, he judges it to be so with others, and thinks he can do what be pleases with it, and engage persons by it to do as he would have them: or that is the receiver of it, as the Targum; who, having it given him, is master of it, and is so acceptable to him, and has such an influence upon him, as to do anything for it the giver of it directs him to, as follows: whithersoever it turneth it prospereth:
to whatsoever cause, or to whatsoever persons, judge or jury, it is given and received; it succeeds far better than the most eloquent orations, or learned pleadings in law, or appeals to statutes, and the production of them. Money answers all things; a gift blinds the eyes; it is like a diamond, so sparkling and dazzling, so charming and attracting, that the person to whom it is offered cannot resist it; and it draws him to do whatever is desired of him; it carries the cause, it succeeds according to the wish of the giver: or, as the Arabic version renders it,

``he shall find his business plain;''
done as he would have it. Jarchi applies the proverb thus;
``when a man comes before the Lord, and bribes him with words, and returns unto him, it is a precious stone in his eyes; and in all that he asks of him he prospers.''


F8 (Nx Nba) "lapsis gratiae", Montanus, Baynus, Michaelis.

Proverbes 17:8 In-Context

6 Les enfants des enfants sont la couronne des vieillards, Et les pères sont la gloire de leurs enfants.
7 Les paroles distinguées ne conviennent pas à un insensé; Combien moins à un noble les paroles mensongères!
8 Les présents sont une pierre précieuse aux yeux de qui en reçoit; De quelque côté qu'ils se tournent, ils ont du succès.
9 Celui qui couvre une faute cherche l'amour, Et celui qui la rappelle dans ses discours divise les amis.
10 Une réprimande fait plus d'impression sur l'homme intelligent Que cent coups sur l'insensé.
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