Proverbes 19:20

20 Ecoute les conseils, et reçois l'instruction, Afin que tu sois sage dans la suite de ta vie.

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Proverbes 19:20 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 19:20

Hear counsel, and receive instruction
Of parents, masters, and ministers; especially the counsel and instruction of Wisdom, of Jesus Christ, the Wisdom of God, the wonderful Counsellor; and of his Gospel and of the Scriptures, which are able to make a man wise unto salvation; that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end;
in the latter end of life, at death; that then it may appear a man has been so wise as to be concerned for a future state, for the good of his soul in another world; by listening to the counsel and instruction of Christ, in his word; by looking to him, and believing in him, for life and salvation; by leaning and living upon him; and committing the affairs of his soul, and the salvation of it, to him.

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Proverbes 19:20 In-Context

18 Châtie ton fils, car il y a encore de l'espérance; Mais ne désire point le faire mourir.
19 Celui que la colère emporte doit en subir la peine; Car si tu le libères, tu devras y revenir.
20 Ecoute les conseils, et reçois l'instruction, Afin que tu sois sage dans la suite de ta vie.
21 Il y a dans le coeur de l'homme beaucoup de projets, Mais c'est le dessein de l'Eternel qui s'accomplit.
22 Ce qui fait le charme d'un homme, c'est sa bonté; Et mieux vaut un pauvre qu'un menteur.
The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.
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