Proverbes 20:13

13 N'aime pas le sommeil, de peur que tu ne deviennes pauvre; Ouvre les yeux, tu seras rassasié de pain.

Proverbes 20:13 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 20:13

Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty
Sleep is a very great natural blessing; it is a gift of God, what nature requires, and is desirable; it is to be loved, though not immoderately; it is sweet to a man, and what he should be thankful for; yet should not indulge himself in to the neglect of the proper business of life; nor to be used but at the proper time for it; for the eye is made for sight, and not for sleep only, as Aben Ezra observes, connecting the words with the preceding; and therefore should not be kept shut and inattentive to business, which must necessarily end in poverty and want; see ( Proverbs 6:9-11 ) ; and so spiritual sleep and slothfulness bring on a spiritual poverty in the souls of men, both as to the exercise of grace and the performance of duty; open thine eyes, [and] thou shall be satisfied with bread;
that is, open thine eyes from sleep, awake and keep so, and be sedulous and industrious in the business of thy calling; so shalt thou have a sufficiency of food for thyself and family; see ( Proverbs 12:11 ) . It may be applied to awaking out of sleep in a spiritual sense, and to a diligent attendance to duty and the use of means, whereby the souls of men come to be satisfied with the goodness of the Lord, and the fatness of his house; see ( Ephesians 5:14 ) ( Psalms 65:4 ) .

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Proverbes 20:13 In-Context

11 L'enfant laisse déjà voir par ses actions Si sa conduite sera pure et droite.
12 L'oreille qui entend, et l'oeil qui voit, C'est l'Eternel qui les a faits l'un et l'autre.
13 N'aime pas le sommeil, de peur que tu ne deviennes pauvre; Ouvre les yeux, tu seras rassasié de pain.
14 Mauvais! mauvais! dit l'acheteur; Et en s'en allant, il se félicite.
15 Il y a de l'or et beaucoup de perles; Mais les lèvres savantes sont un objet précieux.
The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.
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