1 Johannes 4:5

5 Sie sind von der Welt; darum reden sie von der Welt, und die Welt hört sie.

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1 Johannes 4:5 Meaning and Commentary

1 John 4:5

They are of the world
That is, the false prophets and teachers that were gone into the world, and had the spirit of antichrist in them; these were as they were when they came into the world, under the pollution, guilt, and dominion of sin, in a state of unregeneracy, carnality, and darkness; they properly belonged unto it, and walked after the course of it, and were under the influence of the god of it, who led them into error; and were sensual, and indulged themselves in worldly lusts, and were seeking after worldly things; supposed that gain was godliness, and had men's persons in admiration because of advantage; their nature and disposition, their principles and practices, and their ends and views, were worldly; and were quite different from Christ and his apostles, ( John 17:14 John 17:16 ) ,

therefore speak they of the world;
they speak the wisdom of the world, or that in which the world thinks wisdom lies, and cry up for true knowledge, and right principles; and this they do with the enticing words of man's wisdom, or in words which man's wisdom teacheth; speaking great swelling words of vanity, which take with vain and carnal minds; and preach doctrines suited to their own taste, and the taste of others, as carnal and worldly men; such as the purity of human nature, in its first conception and birth, its freedom from any original corruption, and from any concern with the sin of Adam, only with actual sin of its own; and the power of it to do that which is good, keep the law of God, and obtain his favour; the non-necessity of any internal work of efficacious grace, a reformation of life and manners being thought sufficient to render a man acceptable to God, and prepare him for eternal happiness; the doctrine of justification and salvation by works; all which are pleasing to carnal men: hence it follows,

and the world heareth them;
the wicked of the world; worldly and unregenerate men attend on their ministry, approve of what they deliver, and receive it with pleasure, and believe it: this expresses both the quality of the hearers of false teachers, that they are that part of the world, the worse part of it, which lies in wickedness; and the quantity of them, the greater part of the world, as it was foretold by Christ, and his apostles, that they should deceive many, that many should follow their pernicious ways, and that they should draw many disciples after them; wherefore the numbers that attend such persons, as it need not be wondered at, since both preachers and hearers, and the doctrines preached and heard, are all alike, they are of the world, so it should not be stumbling to the people of God.

1 Johannes 4:5 In-Context

3 und ein jeglicher Geist, der da nicht bekennt, daß Jesus Christus ist in das Fleisch gekommen, der ist nicht von Gott. Und das ist der Geist des Widerchrists, von welchem ihr habt gehört, daß er kommen werde, und er ist jetzt schon in der Welt.
4 Kindlein, ihr seid von Gott und habt jene überwunden; denn der in euch ist, ist größer, als der in der Welt ist.
5 Sie sind von der Welt; darum reden sie von der Welt, und die Welt hört sie.
6 Wir sind von Gott, und wer Gott erkennt, der hört uns; welcher nicht von Gott ist, der hört uns nicht. Daran erkennen wir den Geist der Wahrheit und den Geist des Irrtums.
7 Ihr Lieben, lasset uns untereinander liebhaben; denn die Liebe ist von Gott, und wer liebhat, der ist von Gott geboren und kennt Gott.
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