1 Johannes 5:3

3 Denn das ist die Liebe zu Gott, daß wir seine Gebote halten; und seine Gebote sind nicht schwer.

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1 Johannes 5:3 Meaning and Commentary

1 John 5:3

For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments,
&c.] Keeping of the commandments of God is an evidence of love to God; this shows that love is not in word and tongue, in profession only, but in deed and in truth; and that such persons have a sense of the love of God upon their souls, under the influence of which they act; and such shall have, and may expect to have, greater manifestations of the love of God unto them:

and his commandments are not grievous;
heavy, burdensome, and disagreeable; by which are meant, not so much the precepts of the moral law, which through the weakness of the flesh are hard to be kept, and cannot be perfectly fulfilled; though believers indeed, being freed from the rigorous exaction, curse, and condemnation of the law, delight in it after the inward man, and serve it cheerfully with their spirit; and still less the commands of the ceremonial law, which were now abolished, and were grievous to be borne; but rather those of faith in Christ, and love to the saints, ( 1 John 3:23 ) ; or it may be the ordinances of the Gospel, baptism, and the Lord's supper, with others, which though disagreeable to unregenerate persons, who do not care to be under the yoke of Christ, however easy and light it is, yet are not heavy and burdensome to regenerate ones; and especially when they have the love of God shed abroad in them, the presence of God with them, communion with Jesus Christ, and a supply of grace and strength from him; then are these ways ways of pleasantness, and paths of peace, and the tabernacles of the Lord are amiable and lovely.

1 Johannes 5:3 In-Context

1 Wer da glaubt, daß Jesus sei der Christus, der ist von Gott geboren; und wer da liebt den, der ihn geboren hat, der liebt auch den, der von ihm geboren ist.
2 Daran erkennen wir, daß wir Gottes Kinder lieben, wenn wir Gott lieben und seine Gebote halten.
3 Denn das ist die Liebe zu Gott, daß wir seine Gebote halten; und seine Gebote sind nicht schwer.
4 Denn alles, was von Gott geboren ist, überwindet die Welt; und unser Glaube ist der Sieg, der die Welt überwunden hat.
5 Wer ist aber, der die Welt überwindet, wenn nicht, der da glaubt, daß Jesus Gottes Sohn ist?
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