1 Korinther 3:20

20 Und abermals: "Der HERR weiß der Weisen Gedanken, daß sie eitel sind."

1 Korinther 3:20 Meaning and Commentary

1 Corinthians 3:20

And again
Not in the same place, nor in the same book, but in the Psalms, in ( Psalms 94:11 ) . This form of citing Scriptures answers to (dwew) and moreover, used by the Jewish doctors when the matter does not so clearly appear from the first proof, and therefore they produce another F17: and so here the apostle, for the further confirmation and illustration of this point, that the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, to the testimony of Eliphaz, adds this of David,

the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain;
in the Psalms it is, "the Lord knoweth the thoughts of men, that they are vanity"; which the apostle not only cites, but explains and teaches; as that by men is meant men of wisdom and knowledge, of the greatest capacities, whose thoughts, reasonings, schemes, and devices, the omniscient God not only knows, but makes known, and discovers them, sooner or later, to be vain and fruitless, yea, vanity itself; and notwithstanding all their machinations and contrivances, his counsel shall stand, his Gospel shall be maintained, his truths shall prevail, and his ordinances shall be continued, and his work go on.


F17 Vid. Surenhusii Biblos Katallages, p. 11, 531.

1 Korinther 3:20 In-Context

18 Niemand betrüge sich selbst. Welcher sich unter euch dünkt weise zu sein, der werde ein Narr in dieser Welt, daß er möge weise sein.
19 Denn dieser Welt Weisheit ist Torheit bei Gott. Denn es steht geschrieben: "Die Weisen erhascht er in ihrer Klugheit."
20 Und abermals: "Der HERR weiß der Weisen Gedanken, daß sie eitel sind."
21 Darum rühme sich niemand eines Menschen. Es ist alles euer:
22 es sei Paulus oder Apollos, es sei Kephas oder die Welt, es sei das Leben oder der Tod, es sei das Gegenwärtige oder das Zukünftige, alles ist euer;
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