1 Samuel 1

1 Es war ein Mann von Ramathaim-Zophim, vom Gebirge Ephraim, der hieß Elkana, ein Sohn Jerohams, des Sohnes Elihus, des Sohnes Thohus, des Sohnes Zuphs, ein Ephraimiter.
2 Und er hatte zwei Weiber; eine hieß Hanna, die andere Peninna. Peninna aber hatte Kinder, und Hanna hatte keine Kinder.
3 Und derselbe Mann ging jährlich hinauf von seiner Stadt, daß er anbetete und opferte dem HERRN Zebaoth zu Silo. Daselbst waren aber Priester des HERRN Hophni und Pinehas, die zwei Söhne Elis. {~} {~}
4 Und des Tages, da Elkana opferte, gab er seinem Weib Peninna und allen ihren Söhnen und Töchtern Stücke.
5 Aber Hanna gab er ein Stück traurig; denn er hatte Hanna lieb, aber der HERR hatte ihren Leib verschlossen.
6 Und ihre Widersacherin betrübte und reizte sie sehr, darum daß der HERR ihren Leib verschlossen hatte. {~} {~}
7 Also ging's alle Jahre; wenn sie hinaufzog zu des HERRN Hause, betrübte jene sie also; so weinte sie dann und aß nichts. {~}
8 Elkana aber, ihr Mann, sprach zu ihr: Hanna, warum weinst du, und warum issest du nichts, und warum ist dein Herz so traurig? Bin ich dir nicht besser denn zehn Söhne?
9 Da stand Hanna auf, nachdem sie gegessen hatten zu Silo und getrunken. (Eli aber, der Priester, saß auf einem Stuhl an der Pfoste des Tempels des HERRN.)
10 Und sie war von Herzen betrübt und betete zum HERRN und weinte sehr
11 und gelobte ein Gelübde und sprach: HERR Zebaoth, wirst du deiner Magd Elend ansehen und an mich gedenken und deiner Magd nicht vergessen und wirst deiner Magd einen Sohn geben, so will ich ihn dem HERRN geben sein Leben lang und soll kein Schermesser auf sein Haupt kommen. {~}
12 Und da sie lange betete vor dem HERRN, hatte Eli acht auf ihren Mund.
13 Denn Hanna redete in ihrem Herzen; allein ihre Lippen regten sich, und ihre Stimme hörte man nicht. Da meinte Eli, sie wäre trunken,
14 und sprach zu ihr: Wie lange willst du trunken sein? Laß den Wein von dir kommen, den du bei dir hast!
15 Hanna aber antwortete und sprach: Nein, mein Herr, ich bin ein betrübtes Weib. Wein und starkes Getränk habe ich nicht getrunken, sondern habe mein Herz vor dem HERRN ausgeschüttet. {~}
16 Du wolltest deine Magd nicht achten wie ein loses Weib; denn ich habe aus meinem großen Kummer und Traurigkeit geredet bisher.
17 Eli antwortete und sprach: Gehe hin mit Frieden; der Gott Israels wird dir geben deine Bitte, die du von ihm gebeten hast.
18 Sie sprach: Laß deine Magd Gnade finden vor deinen Augen. Also ging das Weib hin ihres Weges und aß und sah nicht mehr so traurig.
19 Und des Morgens früh machten sie sich auf; und da sie angebetet hatten vor dem HERRN, kehrten sie wieder um und kamen heim gen Rama. Und Elkana erkannte sein Weib Hanna, und der HERR gedachte an sie. {~}
20 Und da die Tage um waren, ward Hanna schwanger und gebar einen Sohn und hieß ihn Samuel: "denn ich habe ihn von dem HERRN erbeten."
21 Und da der Mann Elkana hinaufzog mit seinem ganzen Hause, daß er dem HERRN opferte das jährliche Opfer und sein Gelübde,
22 zog Hanna nicht mit hinauf, sondern sprach zu ihrem Mann: Bis der Knabe entwöhnt werde, so will ich ihn bringen, daß er vor dem HERRN erscheine und bleibe daselbst ewiglich. {~}
23 Elkana, ihr Mann, sprach zu ihr: So tue, wie dir's gefällt: bleib, bis du ihn entwöhnst; der HERR bestätige aber was er geredet hat. Also blieb das Weib und säugte ihren Sohn, bis daß sie ihn entwöhnte,
24 und brachte ihn mit sich hinauf, nachdem sie ihn entwöhnt hatte, mit drei Farren, mit einem Epha Mehl und einem Krug Wein; und brachte ihn in das Haus des HERRN zu Silo. Der Knabe war aber noch jung.
25 Und sie schlachteten einen Farren und brachten den Knaben zu Eli.
26 Und sie sprach: Ach, mein Herr, so wahr deine Seele lebt, mein Herr, ich bin das Weib, das hier bei dir stand, zu dem HERRN zu beten.
27 Um diesen Knaben bat ich. Nun hat der HERR meine Bitte gegeben, die ich von ihm bat.
28 Darum gebe ich ihm dem HERRN wieder sein Leben lang, weil er vom HERRN erbeten ist. Und sie beteten daselbst den HERRN an. {~} {~} {~}

1 Samuel 1 Commentary

Chapter 1

In this book we have an account of Eli, and the wickedness of his sons; also of Samuel, his character and actions. Then of the advancement of Saul to be the king of Israel, and his ill behaviour, until his death made way for David's succession to the throne, who was an eminent type of Christ. David's patience, modesty, constancy, persecution by open enemies and feigned friends, are a pattern and example to the church, and to every member of it. Many things in this book encourage the faith, hope, and patience of the suffering believer. It contains also many useful cautions and awful warnings.

Elkanah and his family. (1-8) Hannah's prayer. (9-18) Samuel, Hannah presents him to the Lord. (19-28)

Verses 1-8 Elkanah kept up his attendance at God's altar, notwithstanding the unhappy differences in his family. If the devotions of a family prevail not to put an end to its divisions, yet let not the divisions put a stop to the devotions. To abate our just love to any relation for the sake of any infirmity which they cannot help, and which is their affliction, is to make God's providence quarrel with his precept, and very unkindly to add affliction to the afflicted. It is evidence of a base disposition, to delight in grieving those who are of a sorrowful spirit, and in putting those out of humour who are apt to fret and be uneasy. We ought to bear one another's burdens, not add to them. Hannah could not bear the provocation. Those who are of a fretful spirit, and are apt to lay provocations too much to heart, are enemies to themselves, and strip themselves of many comforts both of life and godliness. We ought to notice comforts, to keep us from grieving for crosses. We should look at that which is for us, as well as what is against us.

Verses 9-18 Hannah mingled tears with her prayers; she considered the mercy of our God, who knows the troubled soul. God gives us leave, in prayer, not only to ask good things in general, but to mention that special good thing we most need and desire. She spoke softly, none could hear her. Hereby she testified her belief of God's knowledge of the heart and its desires. Eli was high priest, and judge in Israel. It ill becomes us to be rash and hasty in censures of others, and to think people guilty of bad things while the matter is doubtful and unproved. Hannah did not retort the charge, and upbraid Eli with the wicked conduct of his own sons. When we are at any time unjustly censured, we have need to set a double watch before the door of our lips, that we do not return censure for censure. Hannah thought it enough to clear herself, and so must we. Eli was willing to acknowledge his mistake. Hannah went away with satisfaction of mind. She had herself by prayer committed her case to God, and Eli had prayed for her. Prayer is heart's ease to a gracious soul. Prayer will smooth the countenance; it should do so. None will long remain miserable, who use aright the privilege of going to the mercy-seat of a reconciled God in Christ Jesus.

Verses 19-28 Elkanah and his family had a journey before them, and a family of children to take with them, yet they would not move till they had worshipped God together. Prayer and provender do not hinder a journey. When men are in such haste to set out upon journeys, or to engage in business, that they have not time to worship God, they are likely to proceed without his presence and blessing. Hannah, though she felt a warm regard for the courts of God's house, begged to stay at home. God will have mercy, and not sacrifice. Those who are detained from public ordinances, by the nursing and tending of little children, may take comfort from this instance, and believe, that if they do that duty in a right spirit, God will graciously accept them therein. Hannah presented her child to the Lord with a grateful acknowledgment of his goodness in answer to prayer. Whatever we give to God, it is what we have first asked and received from him. All our gifts to him were first his gifts to us. The child Samuel early showed true piety. Little children should be taught to worship God when very young. Their parents should teach them in it, bring them to it, and put them on doing it as well as they can; God will graciously accept them, and will teach them to do better.

Chapter Summary



This book, in the Hebrew copies, is commonly called Samuel, or the Book of Samuel; in the Syriac version, the Book of Samuel the Prophet; and in the Arabic version, the Book of Samuel the Prophet, which is the First Book of the Kings; and the Septuagint version, the Book of the Kingdom: it has the name of Samuel, because it contains an history of his life and times; and the Jews say {a} it was written by him; and as it may well enough be thought to be, to the end of the twenty fourth chapter; and the rest might be written by Nathan and Gad, as may he gathered from 1Ch 29:29 as also the following book that bears his name; and both may be called the Books of Kings, because they give an account of the rise of the kings in Israel, and of the two first of them; though some think they were written by Jeremiah, as Abarbinel; and others ascribe them to Ezra: however, there is no doubt to be made of it that this book was written by divine inspiration, when we consider the series of its history, its connection and harmony with other parts of Scripture; the several things borrowed from it, or alluded to in the book of Psalms, particularly what is observed in Ps 113:7,8, seems to be taken out of 1Sa 2:8, and the sanction which the Lord gives to it, by referring to a fact in it, whereby he stopped the mouths of the Scribes and Pharisees cavilling at his disciples, Mt 12:3,4, compared with 1Sa 21:3-6, yea, even, as Huetius {b} observes, some Heathen writers have by their testimonies confirmed some passages in these books, which they seem to have been acquainted with, as Nicolaus of Damascus {c}, and Eupolemus {d}; it contains an history of the government of Eli, and of the birth of Samuel, and his education under him; of the succession of Samuel in it, and the resignation of it to Saul, when he was chosen king; of his administration of his office, and of things done in the time of it, both before and after his rejection, and of the persecution of David by Saul, and is concluded with his death.

{a} T. Bab. Bava Bathra, fol. 14. 2. {b} Demonstrat. Evangel. Prop. 4. p. 199. {c} Apud Joseph. Antiqu. l. 7. c. 5. sect. 2. {d} Apud Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. l. 9. c. 30.


This chapter gives an account of the parents of Samuel, of the trouble his mother met with from her rival, and comfort from her husband, 1Sa 1:1-8, of her prayer to God for a son, and of her vow to him, should one be given her, 1Sa 1:9-11 of the notice Eli took of her, and of his censure on her, which he afterwards retracted, and comforted her, 1Sa 1:12-18 of her conception and the birth of her son, the nursing and weaning of him, 1Sa 1:19-23 and of the presentation of him to the Lord, with a sacrifice, 1Sa 1:24-28.

1 Samuel 1 Commentaries

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