2 Samuel 18:5

5 Und der König gebot Joab und Abisai und Itthai und sprach: Fahrt mir säuberlich mit dem Knaben Absalom! Und alles Volk hörte es, da der König gebot allen Hauptleuten um Absalom. {~}

2 Samuel 18:5 Meaning and Commentary

2 Samuel 18:5

And the king commanded Joab, and Abishai, and Ittai
His three generals, to whom he had committed his army divided into three parts:

saying, [deal] gently for my sake with the young man, [even] with
he does not call him his son, being in rebellion against him, but the young man, who was young, and rash, and foolish, and so to be pitied; his request is, that they would spare him, and not take away his life, when in their power; that they would not aim at him, and push him hard, and fall upon him with wrath and fury; but if he fell into their hands, to take him alive, and bring him away, and not put him to death. This flowed from a natural affection to him, and a concern for the welfare of his soul, that he might not die in this sin; and also from a consciousness that it was for his own sins that he was raised up to rebel against him; and he seems to speak as if he was certain that the battle would go for him, and against Absalom; and which he might conclude from the answer of prayer he had in defeating the counsel of Ahithophel:

and all the people heard when he gave all the captains charge
concerning Absalom;
not only the three generals, but all the captains of hundreds and thousands, and this was heard by the common soldiers as well as by the people of the city that were spectators on this occasion, see ( 2 Samuel 18:12 ) .

2 Samuel 18:5 In-Context

3 Aber das Volk sprach: Du sollst nicht ausziehen; denn ob wir gleich fliehen oder die Hälfte sterben, so werden sie unser nicht achten; denn du bist wie unser zehntausend; so ist's nun besser, daß du uns von der Stadt aus helfen mögst. {~} {~} {~} {~}
4 Der König sprach zu ihnen: Was euch gefällt, das will ich tun. Und der König trat ans Tor, und alles Volk zog aus bei Hunderten und bei Tausenden.
5 Und der König gebot Joab und Abisai und Itthai und sprach: Fahrt mir säuberlich mit dem Knaben Absalom! Und alles Volk hörte es, da der König gebot allen Hauptleuten um Absalom. {~}
6 Und da das Volk hinauskam aufs Feld, Israel entgegen, erhob sich der Streit im Walde Ephraim.
7 Und das Volk Israel ward daselbst geschlagen vor den Knechten Davids, daß desselben Tages eine große Schlacht geschah, zwanzigtausend Mann.
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