Genesis 16

1 Sarai, Abrams Weib, gebar ihm kein Kind. Sie hatte eine ägyptische Magd, die hieß Hagar.
2 Und sie sprach zu Abram: Siehe, der HERR hat mich verschlossen, daß ich nicht gebären kann. Gehe doch zu meiner Magd, ob ich vielleicht aus ihr mich aufbauen möge. Und Abram gehorchte der Stimme Sarais.
3 Da nahm Sarai, Abrams Weib, ihre ägyptische Magd, Hagar, und gab sie Abram, ihrem Mann, zum Weibe, nachdem sie zehn Jahre im Lande Kanaan gewohnt hatten.
4 Und er ging zu Hagar, die ward schwanger. Als sie nun sah, daß sie schwanger war, achtete sie ihre Frau gering gegen sich.
5 Da sprach Sarai zu Abram: Du tust unrecht an mir. Ich habe meine Magd dir in die Arme gegeben; nun sie aber sieht, daß sie schwanger geworden ist, muß ich gering sein in ihren Augen. Der HERR sei Richter zwischen mir und dir.
6 Abram aber sprach zu Sarai: Siehe, deine Magd ist unter deiner Gewalt; tue mit ihr, wie dir's gefällt. Da sie nun Sarai wollte demütigen, floh sie von ihr.
7 Aber der Engel des HERRN fand sie bei einem Wasserbrunnen in der Wüste, nämlich bei dem Brunnen am Wege gen Sur.
8 Der sprach zu ihr: Hagar, Sarais Magd, wo kommst du her, und wo willst du hin? Sie sprach: Ich bin von meiner Frau Sarai geflohen.
9 Und der Engel des HERRN sprach zu ihr: Kehre wieder um zu deiner Frau, und demütige dich unter ihre Hand.
10 Und der Engel des HERRN sprach zu ihr: Ich will deinen Samen also mehren, daß er vor großer Menge nicht soll gezählt werden.
11 Weiter sprach der Engel des HERRN zu ihr: Siehe, du bist schwanger geworden und wirst einen Sohn gebären, des namen sollst du Ismael heißen, darum daß der HERR dein Elend erhört hat.
12 Er wird ein wilder Mensch sein: seine Hand wider jedermann und jedermanns Hand wider ihn, und wird gegen alle seine Brüder wohnen.
13 Und sie hieß den Namen des HERRN, der mit ihr redete: Du Gott siehst mich. Denn sie sprach: Gewiß habe ich hier gesehen den, der mich hernach angesehen hat.
14 Darum hieß man den Brunnen einen Brunnen des Lebendigen, der mich ansieht; welcher Brunnen ist zwischen Kades und Bared.
15 Und Hagar gebar einen Sohn; und Abram hieß den Sohn, den ihm Hagar gebar, Ismael. {~}
16 Und Abram war sechsundachtzig Jahre alt, da ihm Hagar den Ismael gebar.

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Genesis 16 Commentary

Chapter 16

Sarai gives Hagar to Abram. (1-3) Hagar's misbehaviour to Sarai. (4-6) The Angel commands Hagar to return, The promise to her Birth of Ishmael. (7-16)

Verses 1-3 Sarai, no longer expecting to have children herself, proposed to Abram to take another wife, whose children she might; her slave, whose children would be her property. This was done without asking counsel of the Lord. Unbelief worked, God's almighty power was forgotten. It was a bad example, and a source of manifold uneasiness. In every relation and situation in life there is some cross for us to bear: much of the exercise of faith consists in patiently submitting, in waiting the Lord's time, and using only those means which he appoints for the removal of the cross. Foul temptations may have very fair pretences, and be coloured with that which is very plausible. Fleshly wisdom puts us out of God's way. This would not be the case, if we would ask counsel of God by his word and by prayer, before we attempt that which is doubtful.

Verses 4-6 Abram's unhappy marriage to Hagar very soon made a great deal of mischief. We may thank ourselves for the guilt and grief that follow us, when we go out of the way of our duty. See it in this case, Passionate people often quarrel with others, for things of which they themselves must bear the blame. Sarai had given her maid to Abram, yet she cries out, My wrong be upon thee. That is never said wisely, which pride and anger put into our mouths. Those are not always in the right, who are most loud and forward in appealing to God: such rash and bold imprecations commonly speak guilt and a bad cause. Hagar forgot that she herself had first given the provocation, by despising her mistress. Those that suffer for their faults, ought to bear it ( 1 Peter. 2:20 )

Verses 7-16 Hagar was out of her place, and out of the way of her duty, and going further astray, when the Angel found her. It is a great mercy to be stopped in a sinful way, either by conscience or by providence. Whence comest thou? Consider that thou art running from duty, and the privileges thou wast blest with in Abram's tent. It is good to live in a religious family, which those ought to consider who have this advantage. Whither wilt thou go? Thou art running into sin; if Hagar return to Egypt, she will return to idol gods, and into danger in the wilderness through which she must travel. Recollecting who we are, would often teach us our duty. Inquiring whence we came, would show us our sin and folly. Considering whither we shall go, discovers our danger and misery. And those who leave their space and duty, must hasten their return, how mortifying soever it be. The declaration of the Angel, "I will," shows this Angel was the eternal Word and Son of God. Hagar could not but admire the Lord's mercy, and feel, Have I, who am so unworthy, been favoured with a gracious visit from the Lord? She was brought to a better temper, returned, and by her behaviour softened Sarai, and received more gentle treatment. Would that we were always suitably impressed with this thought, Thou God seest me!

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of Abram's marrying his maid, at the instance of his wife Sarai, Ge 16:1-3, who, upon conceiving, despised her mistress; of which complaint is made to Abram, who leaving his maid to his wife, to deal with her as she pleased, dealt harshly by her, and therefore fled from her, Ge 16:4-6; when she was met by an angel, who advised her to return and submit herself to her mistress, and told her her seed would be greatly multiplied, gave a name to the child she went with, and described his temper and disposition, Ge 16:7-12; and then we have the name of God that spoke to her, and of the place where the discourse passed between them, Ge 16:13,14; and the chapter is concluded with the birth of Ishmael, and the age of Abram at his birth, Ge 16:15,16.

Genesis 16 Commentaries

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