Hebräer 11:33

33 welche haben durch den Glauben Königreiche bezwungen, Gerechtigkeit gewirkt, Verheißungen erlangt, der Löwen Rachen verstopft,

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Hebräer 11:33 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 11:33

Who through faith subdued kingdoms
As David did particularly; who subdued Syria, Moab, Ammon, Amalek, Edom, and the Philistines, ( 2 Samuel 8:12 2 Samuel 8:14 ) . War, in some cases, is lawful; and kingdoms may be subdued; and faith makes use of means to do it: these kingdoms, though subdued by faith, yet not without fighting. Believers have no reason to be afraid of kings, or kingdoms; and this should encourage the saints, in their combats with the powers of darkness.

Wrought righteousness;
exercised vindictive justice, in taking vengeance on the enemies of God, and his people; civil righteousness, in the discharge of their offices; and moral righteousness, in their conversation before God and men; which, being imperfect, was not justifying: wherefore they stood in need of another, and better righteousness, which is perfect and durable; and, in consequence of which being known, embraced, and received, men work righteousness: it may be observed, that to do works of righteousness in faith, and by it, is something very considerable; it is reckoned here among actions of the greatest fame; and that true faith is an operative grace, it works by love, and is always attended with works of righteousness; and that righteousness is a fruit and evidence of faith; and that faith is not the believer's righteousness; and that the righteousness of faith is not that which faith works, but which it receives.

Obtained promises;
the promise of the land of Canaan; particular promises of victory over their enemies; promises concerning the Messiah, and of everlasting life and happiness: their faith was not the cause of promises being made, nor of their being fulfilled; but was the grace by which these believers received them, believed them, and waited for the accomplishment of them; and, in some sense, enjoyed the things promised before hand; their faith realizing things future and invisible to them: to obtain a promise from God is a great and marvellous thing; it is an instance of rich grace; and there is never a promise, but what is great in itself, and precious to the saints: all God's promises are obtained; they are sure, and are certainly fulfilled; and it is the work and business of faith to receive, and enjoy them.

Stopped the mouths of lions:
a lion was slain by Samson, and another by David; but the most remarkable instance of stopping the mouths of lions, was in the den, into which Daniel was cast; and this may encourage the faith of God's people, when they are in the midst of men, comparable to lions; and may animate them not to fear the devouring lion, Satan.

Hebräer 11:33 In-Context

31 Durch den Glauben ward die Hure Rahab nicht verloren mit den Ungläubigen, da sie die Kundschafter freundlich aufnahm.
32 Und was soll ich mehr sagen? Die Zeit würde mir zu kurz, wenn ich sollte erzählen von Gideon und Barak und Simson und Jephthah und David und Samuel und den Propheten,
33 welche haben durch den Glauben Königreiche bezwungen, Gerechtigkeit gewirkt, Verheißungen erlangt, der Löwen Rachen verstopft,
34 des Feuers Kraft ausgelöscht, sind des Schwertes Schärfe entronnen, sind kräftig geworden aus der Schwachheit, sind stark geworden im Streit, haben der Fremden Heere darniedergelegt.
35 Weiber haben ihre Toten durch Auferstehung wiederbekommen. Andere aber sind zerschlagen und haben keine Erlösung angenommen, auf daß sie die Auferstehung, die besser ist, erlangten.
The Luther Bible is in the public domain.