Hebräer 11:9

9 Durch den Glauben ist er ein Fremdling gewesen in dem verheißenen Lande als in einem fremden und wohnte in Hütten mit Isaak und Jakob, den Miterben derselben Verheißung;

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Hebräer 11:9 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 11:9

By faith he sojourned in the land of promise
The land of Canaan, so called, because it was promised to Abraham and his seed; and is typical of heaven, which is not by the works of the law, but by the free promise and grace of God: here Abraham sojourned for a while,

as in a strange country;
which was not his native place, and not his own, but another's; see ( Acts 7:5 ) and an idolatrous one; here he sojourned by faith, believing that as it was promised, it would be given to him, and his seed: so all God's people are sojourners in this world, strangers and pilgrims in it; this is not their dwelling place; they do not belong to it, but to another; their stay in it is but for a while; and, while they are in it, do not look upon themselves at home, but are looking out for another, and better country; they are unknown to the men of the world, and the men of the world are strangers to them; though they have a civil conversation with them, they separate from them, both as to profaneness and superstition, and live by faith, in the expectation of the heavenly country, as Abraham also did:

dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of
the same promise;
the same promised land, the same promised blessings, and the same promised seed, the Messiah; see ( Genesis 12:3 ) ( Genesis 26:3 Genesis 26:4 ) ( Genesis 28:13 Genesis 28:14 ) with these Abraham dwelt, for he lived until Isaac was seventy five years of age, and Jacob fifteen; he was an hundred years old when Isaac was born, ( Genesis 21:5 ) and he lived one hundred and seventy five years, ( Genesis 25:7 ) and Isaac was sixty years old when Jacob was born, ( Genesis 25:26 ) and Abraham dwelt with them in tabernacles, or tents, which they pitched at pleasure, and moved from place to place. So true believers, as they are Abraham's seed, they are heirs with him, according to the promise; and are heirs together of the grace of life; and dwell in earthly tabernacles, in houses of clay, which are erected for a while, and then taken down.

Hebräer 11:9 In-Context

7 Durch den Glauben hat Noah Gott geehrt und die Arche zubereitet zum Heil seines Hauses, da er ein göttliches Wort empfing über das, was man noch nicht sah; und verdammte durch denselben die Welt und hat ererbt die Gerechtigkeit, die durch den Glauben kommt.
8 Durch den Glauben ward gehorsam Abraham, da er berufen ward, auszugehen in das Land, das er ererben sollte; und ging aus und wußte nicht wo er hinkäme.
9 Durch den Glauben ist er ein Fremdling gewesen in dem verheißenen Lande als in einem fremden und wohnte in Hütten mit Isaak und Jakob, den Miterben derselben Verheißung;
10 denn er wartete auf eine Stadt, die einen Grund hat, der Baumeister und Schöpfer Gott ist.
11 Durch den Glauben empfing auch Sara Kraft, daß sie schwanger ward und gebar über die Zeit ihres Alters; denn sie achtete ihn treu, der es verheißen hatte.
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