Hebräer 12:28

28 Darum, dieweil wir empfangen ein unbeweglich Reich, haben wir Gnade, durch welche wir sollen Gott dienen, ihm zu gefallen, mit Zucht und Furcht;

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Hebräer 12:28 Meaning and Commentary

Hebrews 12:28

Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,
&c.] Not the kingdom of glory; eternal glory is a kingdom, and it is an immovable one; and is a free gift of God, and may be said to be now received; God's people are called unto it, and are made meet for it, and have a right unto it, and have it in faith and hope, and in Christ their head and representative: but the kingdom of grace, under the Gospel dispensation, is meant: there are several things in this dispensation which are called a kingdom; as a Gospel church, the Gospel itself, and the privileges and blessings of grace bestowed, especially spiritual and internal ones, ( Matthew 25:1 ) ( Luke 16:16 ) ( Romans 14:17 ) and the whole dispensation is called the kingdom of heaven, ( Matthew 3:2 ) ( 4:17 ) . Christ he is King, believers are his subjects, the Gospel is his sceptre, and the ordinances are his laws and appointments, and all are immovable; and a man may be said to receive this kingdom, when he is delivered from the power of darkness, is regenerated, and has the blessings of grace actually bestowed on him, and is brought to Zion:

let us have grace;
by which is meant, not thankfulness for so great a blessing, though this is highly requisite and necessary; nor the favour of God, though, as the reception of the kingdom springs from hence, a sense of it ought to abide; nor the habit or principle of grace in the heart, unless particularly the grace of faith, and the exercise of it, should be designed; but rather the doctrine of grace, the Gospel, is intended; and the sense is, (ecwmen) , "let us hold it", as the Ethiopic version renders it; let us hold the Gospel fast, and a profession of it: the Vulgate Latin and Arabic versions read, "we have grace"; this goes along with the immovable kingdom; all that have truly received the one, have the other:

whereby we may serve God;
God is to be served, and not a creature, nor the elements of this world, the ceremonial law, and its rites: nor is he to be served in any form, only in a spiritual way; and without holding to the Gospel, there is no serving him in an evangelic manner; the true and right way of serving him is as follows:

in Christ, in the Gospel of his Son, and by faith in him, without which it is impossible to please God:

with reverence;
of the majesty of God, with shame for sin, and with a sense of unworthiness:

and godly fear;
which has God for its author and object, and which springs from his grace, and is increased by discoveries of his goodness; and which is consistent with faith, and spiritual joy; see ( Psalms 2:11 ) ( 5:7 ) .

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Hebräer 12:28 In-Context

26 dessen Stimme zu der Zeit die Erde bewegte, nun aber verheißt er und spricht: "Noch einmal will ich bewegen nicht allein die Erde sondern auch den Himmel."
27 Aber solches "Noch einmal" zeigt an, daß das Bewegliche soll verwandelt werden, als das gemacht ist, auf daß da bleibe das Unbewegliche.
28 Darum, dieweil wir empfangen ein unbeweglich Reich, haben wir Gnade, durch welche wir sollen Gott dienen, ihm zu gefallen, mit Zucht und Furcht;
29 denn unser Gott ist ein verzehrend Feuer.
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