Jeremia 17:4

4 Und du sollst aus deinem Erbe verstoßen werden, das ich dir gegeben habe, und ich will dich zu Knechten deiner Feinde machen in einem Lande, das du nicht kennst; denn ihr habt ein Feuer meines Zorns angezündet, das ewiglich brennen wird.

Images for Jeremia 17:4

Jeremia 17:4 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 17:4

And thou, even thyself
Or, "thou, and in thee" F12; that is, thou and those that are in thee, all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judea; or, "thou even through thyself" F13; through thine own fault, by reason of thy sins and iniquities: shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee;
be removed from it, and no longer enjoy it: or, "shalt intermit from thine heritage" {n}; shall not till the land, plough and sow, and reap, and gather the fruits of it: this was enjoined on every seventh year, when the land was to have its rest, or sabbath, ( Exodus 23:10 Exodus 23:11 ) , but this law they did not observe; and now, therefore, whether they would or not, the land should be intermitted, and not tilled and enjoyed by them. The Targum takes in the whole of the sense,

``and I will bring an enemy upon your land; and it shall be desolate as in the year of intermission: and I will take vengeance of judgment upon you, until I remove you from your inheritance which I have given unto you;''
the land of Canaan, which was given them for an inheritance: I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest
the Babylonians in Chaldea; or, as Jerom thinks; the Romans. Of the different reading of these words, (See Gill on Jeremiah 15:13): for ye have I kindled a fire in mine anger;
or by their sins had caused the anger of the Lord to burn like fire: which shall burn for ever;
as it will in hell, and therefore called everlasting fire: here it only means until these people and their country were consumed by the enemy; perhaps some reference is had to the burning of the city and temple by the Babylonians, or Romans, or both. These first four verses are left out by the Septuagint interpreters, Jerom thinks, to spare their own people.

F12 (Kbw) "qui [sunt] apud te", Junius & Tremellius.
F13 "Per te", Piscator.
F14 (Kytlxnm htjmvw) "ita intermissionen facies", Junius & Tremellius; so Schmidt.

Jeremia 17:4 In-Context

2 daß die Kinder gedenken sollen derselben Altäre und Ascherabilder bei den grünen Bäumen, auf den hohen Bergen.
3 Aber ich will deine Höhen, beide, auf den Bergen und Feldern, samt deiner Habe und allen deinen Schätzen zum Raube geben um der Sünde willen, in allen deinen Grenzen begangen.
4 Und du sollst aus deinem Erbe verstoßen werden, das ich dir gegeben habe, und ich will dich zu Knechten deiner Feinde machen in einem Lande, das du nicht kennst; denn ihr habt ein Feuer meines Zorns angezündet, das ewiglich brennen wird.
5 So spricht der HERR: Verflucht ist der Mann, der sich auf Menschen verläßt und hält Fleisch für seinen Arm, und mit seinem Herzen vom HERRN weicht.
6 Der wird sein wie die Heide in der Wüste und wird nicht sehen den zukünftigen Trost, sondern bleiben in der Dürre, in der Wüste, in einem unfruchtbaren Lande, da niemand wohnt.
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