Jesaja 12:5

5 Lobsinget dem HERRN, denn er hat sich herrlich bewiesen; solches sei kund in allen Landen.

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Jesaja 12:5 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 12:5

Sing unto the Lord
Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, vocally and together, as Gospel churches, to the glory of God; or "sing the Lord" F21, let him be the subject matter of the song, as in ( Isaiah 12:2 ) sing how great and good he is; sing what he is in himself, and what he is to others: for he hath done excellent things;
he hath wrought out an excellent salvation, which excels all others, being of a spiritual nature, complete and everlasting: it is emphatically a great one, in which God is glorified in all his perfections, and which issues in the eternal glory and happiness of his people. He has brought in an excellent righteousness, a righteousness that excels any righteousness of the creature, men or angels; it being the righteousness of God, a perfect, pure, and spotless one, which serves for many, even all his spiritual seed, and is everlasting: he has offered up an excellent sacrifice, a sacrifice that excels all that were offered up under the law; in the matter, which is himself; in the use and efficacy of it, to atone for sin, and take it away; in the continuance of that efficacy, and in its acceptableness unto God: and he has obtained an excellent victory over all his and his people's enemies, sin, Satan, the world, and death, and made them sharers in his conquests; reference seems to be had to ( Exodus 15:1 ) : this [is] known in all the earth;
that such a salvation is finished; such a righteousness is brought in; that peace, pardon, and atonement, are procured, and all enemies are conquered; for the Gospel publishing all this has been sent into all the world, and will be more fully preached throughout it in the latter day.


F21 (hwhy wrmz) "canite Jehovam", Cocceius; (nmghsate to onoma) (knrw) ; Sept.

Jesaja 12:5 In-Context

3 Ihr werdet mit Freuden Wasser schöpfen aus den Heilsbrunnen
4 und werdet sagen zu derselben Zeit: Danket dem HERRN, prediget seinen Namen; machet kund unter den Völkern sein Tun; verkündiget, wie sein Name so hoch ist.
5 Lobsinget dem HERRN, denn er hat sich herrlich bewiesen; solches sei kund in allen Landen.
6 Jauchze und rühme, du Einwohnerin zu Zion; denn der Heilige Israels ist groß bei dir.
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