Jesaja 49:21

21 Du aber wirst sagen in deinem Herzen: Wer hat mir diese geboren? Ich war unfruchtbar, einsam, vertrieben und verstoßen. Wer hat mir diese erzogen? Siehe, ich war allein gelassen; wo waren denn diese?

Images for Jesaja 49:21

Jesaja 49:21 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 49:21

Then shalt thou say in thine heart
In, a way of admiration, secretly within herself, astonished at the numerous crowds flocking in; who hath begotten me these?
not their natural parents, nor they themselves; for they are not born of blood, nor of the will of man, nor of the will
of the flesh;
nor ministers of the Gospel, though they are instruments, yet not the cause; but God only, Father, Son, and Spirit, to whom regeneration is only ascribed: regeneration is a wonderful work of God; it is unaccountable to the natural man; it is amazing to the saints themselves; and it is matter of astonishment to the church of God; especially when on a sudden, and without means, and in great numbers, men are born again; and particularly when these come from among the Gentiles, which seems to be the case here: seeing I have lost my children;
by captivity and the sword, by the tyranny and cruelty of the man of sin: and am desolate;
or alone, as if without a husband, or any to take care of her: this represents the church in the wilderness, during the reign of antichrist, ( Revelation 12:14 ) , while she seems to be forsaken of the Lord her husband, though she is not: and a captive;
to the Romish antichrist; see ( Revelation 13:10 ) : and removing to and fro;
being forced to flee from place to place, by reason of persecution: there is, no doubt, an allusion in all this to the case of the Jews in the Babylonish captivity: and who hath brought up these?
the same that begot them, even the Lord himself; who nourishes and brings up his children with the milk of the Gospel, and the breasts of Gospel ordinances; so that they are brought up from children to young men, from young men to fathers, till they become perfect men; even the church in the wilderness, with her children, are nourished by him, for a time, and times, and half a time, ( Revelation 12:14 ) which is wonderful: behold, I was left alone;
seemingly without husband or children, in a desolate and wilderness state: these, where had they been?
in the ruins of Adam's fall; in a state of darkness; in the graves of sin; in a pit wherein is no water; in the hands of Satan, and among wicked men; even in Babylon itself, but now called out; see ( Revelation 18:4 ) .

Jesaja 49:21 In-Context

19 Denn dein wüstes, verstörtes und zerbrochenes Land wird dir alsdann zu eng werden, darin zu wohnen, wenn deine Verderber fern von dir weichen,
20 daß die Kinder deiner Unfruchtbarkeit werden noch sagen vor deinen Ohren: Der Raum ist mir zu eng; rücke hin, daß ich bei dir wohnen möge.
21 Du aber wirst sagen in deinem Herzen: Wer hat mir diese geboren? Ich war unfruchtbar, einsam, vertrieben und verstoßen. Wer hat mir diese erzogen? Siehe, ich war allein gelassen; wo waren denn diese?
22 So spricht der HERR HERR: Siehe, ich will meine Hand zu den Heiden aufheben und zu den Völkern mein Panier aufwerfen; so werden sie deine Söhne in den Armen herzubringen und deine Töchter auf den Achseln hertragen.
23 Und Könige sollen deine Pfleger, und ihre Fürstinnen deine Säugammen sein; sie werden vor dir niederfallen zur Erde aufs Angesicht und deiner Füße Staub lecken. Da wirst du erfahren, daß ich der HERR bin, an welchem nicht zu Schanden werden, die auf mich harren.
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