Prediger 3:12

12 Darum merkte ich, daß nichts Besseres darin ist denn fröhlich sein und sich gütlich tun in seinem Leben.

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Prediger 3:12 Meaning and Commentary

Ecclesiastes 3:12

I know that [there is] no good in them
In these things; as the Arabic version; in the creatures, as Jarchi; in all sublunary enjoyments; in everything the wise man had made a trial of before, as natural Wisdom and knowledge, worldly pleasure, riches, and wealth; the "summun bonum", or happiness of men, did not lie in these things; this he knew by experience, and had the strongest assurance of it: or in them, that is, the children of men, as the Targum: there is no real good thing in them, nor comes out of them, nor is done by them; they cannot think a good thought, nor do a good action, of themselves. Or rather the sense is, I know there is nothing better for them than what follows: but for [a man] to rejoice;
not in sin and sinful pleasures, in a riotous, voluptuous, and epicurean manner; but to be cheerful, and enjoy the blessings of life in a comfortable way, and with a thankful heart; and especially to rejoice in spiritual things, and above all in Christ; and not in any self-boastings or carnal confidences, all such rejoicing is evil; see ( Ecclesiastes 9:7 ) ( Philippians 4:4 ) ( James 4:16 ) . The Targum is,

``but that they rejoice in the joy of the law;''
but it is much better to rejoice in the things of the Gospel, which is indeed a joyful sound; and to do good in his life:
to himself and family, by making use of the good things of life, and not withholding and hoarding them up; and to others, to all men, as opportunity offers, and especially to the household of faith; and not only by liberality and alms deeds, but by doing all good works, from right principles and to right ends, and that always, as long as he lives, ( Galatians 6:9 Galatians 6:10 ) ( Luke 1:75 ) .

Prediger 3:12 In-Context

10 Ich sah die Mühe, die Gott den Menschen gegeben hat, daß sie darin geplagt werden. {~}
11 Er aber tut alles fein zu seiner Zeit und läßt ihr Herz sich ängsten, wie es gehen solle in der Welt; denn der Mensch kann doch nicht treffen das Werk, das Gott tut, weder Anfang noch Ende.
12 Darum merkte ich, daß nichts Besseres darin ist denn fröhlich sein und sich gütlich tun in seinem Leben.
13 Denn ein jeglicher Mensch, der da ißt und trinkt und hat guten Mut in aller seiner Arbeit, das ist eine Gabe Gottes.
14 Ich merkte, daß alles, was Gott tut, das besteht immer: man kann nichts dazutun noch abtun; und solches tut Gott, daß man sich vor ihm fürchten soll.
The Luther Bible is in the public domain.