Prediger 3:9

9 Man arbeite, wie man will, so hat man doch keinen Gewinn davon.

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Prediger 3:9 Meaning and Commentary

Ecclesiastes 3:9

What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he
] That is, he has none. This is an inference drawn from the above premises, and confirms what has been before observed, ( Ecclesiastes 1:3 ) ( 2:11 ) ; Man has no profit of his labour, since his time is so short to enjoy it, and he leaves it to another, he knows not who; and, while he lives, is attended with continual vicissitudes and changes; sometimes it is a time for one thing, and sometimes for its contrary, so that there is nothing certain, and to be depended on; and a man can promise himself nothing in this world pleasant or profitable to him, and much less that will be of any advantage to him hereafter. The Targum adds,

``to make treasures and gather mammon, unless he is helped by Providence above;''
though it is man's duty to labour, yet all his toil and labour will be fruitless without a divine blessing; there is a time and season for everything in providence, and there is no striving against that.

Prediger 3:9 In-Context

7 zerreißen und zunähen, schweigen und reden, {~}
8 lieben und hassen, Streit und Friede hat seine Zeit.
9 Man arbeite, wie man will, so hat man doch keinen Gewinn davon.
10 Ich sah die Mühe, die Gott den Menschen gegeben hat, daß sie darin geplagt werden. {~}
11 Er aber tut alles fein zu seiner Zeit und läßt ihr Herz sich ängsten, wie es gehen solle in der Welt; denn der Mensch kann doch nicht treffen das Werk, das Gott tut, weder Anfang noch Ende.
The Luther Bible is in the public domain.