Römer 7:22

22 Denn ich habe Lust an Gottes Gesetz nach dem inwendigen Menschen.

Römer 7:22 Meaning and Commentary

Romans 7:22

For I delight in the law of God
This an unregenerate man cannot do; he does not like its commands, they are disagreeable to his corrupt nature; and as it is a threatening, cursing, damning law, it can never be delighted in by him: the moralist, the Pharisee, who obeys it externally, do not love it, nor delight in it; he obeys it not from love to its precepts, but from fear of its threatenings; from a desire of popular esteem, and from low, mercenary, selfish views, in order to gain the applause of men, and favour of God: only a regenerate man delights in the law of God; which he does, as it is fulfilled by Christ, who has answered all the demands of it: and as it is in the hands of Christ, held forth by him as a rule of holy walk and conversation; and as it is written upon his heart by the Spirit of God, to which he yields a voluntary and cheerful obedience: he serves it with his mind, of a ready mind freely, and without any constraint but that of love; he delights together with the law, as the word here used signifies; the delight is mutual and reciprocal, the law delights in him, and he delights in the law; and they both delight in the selfsame things, and particularly in the perfect obedience which the Son of God has yielded to it. The apostle adds,

after the inward man;
by which he means the renewed man, the new man, or new nature, formed in his soul; which had its seat in the inward part, is an internal principle, oil in the vessel of the heart, a seed under ground, the kingdom within us, the hidden man of the heart, which is not obvious to everyone's view, it being not anything that is external, though never so good: this in its nature is agreeable to the law of God, and according to this a regenerate man delights in it: but then this restrictive limiting clause supposes another man, the old man, the carnal I, according to which the apostle did not delight in the law of God; and proves, that he speaks of himself as regenerate, and not as unregenerate, or as representing an unregenerate man, because no such distinction is to be found in such a person; nor does such a person delight at all, in any sense, upon any consideration in the law of God, but is enmity against it, and not subjected to it; nor can he be otherwise, without the grace of God.

Römer 7:22 In-Context

20 So ich aber tue, was ich nicht will, so tue ich dasselbe nicht; sondern die Sünde, die in mir wohnt.
21 So finde ich mir nun ein Gesetz, der ich will das Gute tun, daß mir das Böse anhangt.
22 Denn ich habe Lust an Gottes Gesetz nach dem inwendigen Menschen.
23 Ich sehe aber ein ander Gesetz in meinen Gliedern, das da widerstreitet dem Gesetz in meinem Gemüte und nimmt mich gefangen in der Sünde Gesetz, welches ist in meinen Gliedern.
24 Ich elender Mensch! wer wird mich erlösen von dem Leibe dieses Todes?
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