Jeremias 31:28

28 The inhabitants of Moab have left the cities, and dwelt in rocks; they have become as doves nestling in rocks, at the mouth of a cave.

Jeremias 31:28 Meaning and Commentary

Jeremiah 31:28

And it shall come to pass, [that] like as I have watched over
In providence; looked upon them with an eye of vindictive justice; observed all their actions and motions; diligently attended to everything that passed, and took the first and most fitting opportunity: to pluck up, and to break down, and to throw down, and to destroy, and
to afflict;
which words, as they have an elegance and an agreeableness in their sound, in the original; so they are expressive of the utter overthrow of the city, temple, and nation of the Jews, and of the several troubles and calamities they should be afflicted with: so will I watch over them;
be as careful and diligent, as intent, earnest, and early: to build, and to plant, saith the Lord;
to build their city and temple, and to plant them in their own land. So the church of God is his building, whose foundation he lays, the superstructure of which he rears up, and will complete it in his own time; and it is his plantation, into which he puts his pleasant plants, his plants of renown; which he waters with his Spirit and grace, by the ministry of the word, that they may grow, and become fruitful.

Jeremias 31:28 In-Context

26 Make ye him drunk; for he has magnified himself against the Lord: and Moab shall clap with his hand, and shall be also himself a laughing-stock.
27 For surely Israel was to thee a laughing-stock, and was found among thy thefts, because thou didst fight against him.
28 The inhabitants of Moab have left the cities, and dwelt in rocks; they have become as doves nestling in rocks, at the mouth of a cave.
29 And I have heard of the pride of Moab, he has greatly heightened his pride and his haughtiness, and his heart has been lifted up.
30 But I know his works: is it not enough for him? has he not done thus?

The Brenton translation of the Septuagint is in the public domain.