Ezekiel 15:4

4 "I don't think so. At best it's good for fuel. Look at it: a flimsy piece of vine, thrown in the fire and then rescued - the ends burned off and the middle charred. Now is it good for anything?

Ezekiel 15:4 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 15:4

Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel,
That is; a vine tree when cut down, or a branch when cut off, it is good for nothing else; and that is the use it is generally put to; see ( John 15:6 ) ; and this, it is suggested, would be the end of the Jewish nation; who were become by their sins like a wild vine, and were fit fuel for the fire of divine wrath: the fire devoureth both the ends of it;
the branch cast into it, and so is quickly consumed. Kimchi explains this by ( Isaiah 9:12 ) ; "the Syrians before, and the Philistines behind, and they devour Israel with open mouth"; and Abendana of the ten tribes; but it seems only to design how soon the fire takes it; and how inevitable the consumption is when it is fired at both ends: and the midst of it is burnt:
presently; it being dried, and reduced to a brand by the heat of the fire at both ends: this Kimchi interprets of the city of Jerusalem, which was in the midst of the land: is it meet for [any] work?
no; for if it was not fit for any work when cut down, or cut off, much less when burnt in the fire.

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Ezekiel 15:4 In-Context

2 "Son of man, how would you compare the wood of a vine with the branches of any tree you'd find in the forest?
3 Is vine wood ever used to make anything? Is it used to make pegs to hang things from?
4 "I don't think so. At best it's good for fuel. Look at it: a flimsy piece of vine, thrown in the fire and then rescued - the ends burned off and the middle charred. Now is it good for anything?
5 "Hardly. When it was whole it wasn't good for anything. Half-burned is no improvement. What's it good for?
6 "So here's the Message of God, the Master: Like the wood of the vine I selected from among the trees of the forest and used as fuel for the fire, just so I'll treat those who live in Jerusalem.
Published by permission. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. All rights reserved.
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