Song of Solomon 1:1

1 The Song - best of all songs - Solomon's song!

Song of Solomon 1:1 Meaning and Commentary

Song of Solomon 1:1

The Song of songs, which [is] Solomon's.
] Wrote by Solomon, king of Israel, as the "amanuensis" of the Holy Ghost; and not by Hezekiah and his men, as the Jews say F11: or, "concerning Solomon" {l}; Christ, of whom Solomon was a type; see ( Song of Solomon 3:7 ) ; of his person, excellencies, love to his church, care of her, and concern for her; and of the nearness and communion he admitted her to, and indulged her with the Jews have a saying F13, that wherever the word Solomon is used in this song, the Holy One is meant, the holy God, or Messiah: it is called "the Song of songs", because the most excellent, as the Holy of holies, King of kings which, with the Hebrews, express a superlative; this being more excellent than the one hundred and five songs, written by Solomon, or than any human composure whatever; yea, preferable to all Scriptural songs, as to subject, manner of style, and copiousness of it.


F11 T. Bab. Bava Bathra, fol. 15. 1.
F12 (hmlvl) "de Solomone", Cocceius.
F13 Maimon. Yesode Hatorah, c. 6. s. 12.

Song of Solomon 1:1 In-Context

1 The Song - best of all songs - Solomon's song!
2 Kiss me - full on the mouth! Yes! For your love is better than wine,
3 headier than your aromatic oils. The syllables of your name murmur like a meadow brook. No wonder everyone loves to say your name!
4 Take me away with you! Let's run off together! An elopement with my King-Lover! We'll celebrate, we'll sing, we'll make great music. Yes! For your love is better than vintage wine. Everyone loves you - of course! And why not?
5 I am weathered but still elegant, oh, dear sisters in Jerusalem, Weather-darkened like Kedar desert tents, time-softened like Solomon's Temple hangings.

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Published by permission. Originally published by NavPress in English as THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language copyright 2002 by Eugene Peterson. All rights reserved.