11Jesus went out from there and came into 2His hometown; and His disciplesfollowed Him.
When the Sabbathcame, He began3to teach in the synagogue; and the 4manylisteners were astonished, saying, "Where did thisman get thesethings, and what is this wisdomgiven to Him, and suchmiracles as theseperformed by His hands?
"Is not this5the carpenter, 6the son of Mary, and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Are not 7His sistershere with us?" And they took8offense at Him.
Jesussaid to them, "9A prophet is not withouthonorexcept in 10his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household."
And He coulddono*miraclethereexcept that He 11laid His hands on a fewsickpeople and healed them.
And He wondered at their unbelief. 12And He was goingaround* the villagesteaching.