Joshua 23:16

16 "Suppose you break the covenant the LORD your God made with you. He commanded you to obey it. But suppose you go and serve other gods. And you bow down to them. Then the LORD's anger will burn against you. You will quickly be destroyed. You will be removed from the good land he has given you."

Joshua 23:16 Meaning and Commentary

Joshua 23:16

When ye have transgressed the covenant of the Lord your God,
which he commanded you
The law, so called, and the several precepts of it, particularly those which relate to the faith and worship of the one only true God; see ( Exodus 24:7 Exodus 24:8 ) ;

and have gone and served other gods, and have bowed down yourselves
unto them;
been guilty of idolatry, of having and worshipping other gods, which are no gods, with or besides the God of Israel, see ( Joshua 23:7 ) ;

then shall the anger of the Lord be kindled against you;
nothing being more provoking to him than idolatry, he being a jealous God of his honour and worship:

and ye shall perish quickly from off the good land which he hath given
unto you;
as they did at the time of the Babylonish captivity, and at the last destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.

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Joshua 23:16 In-Context

14 "Now I'm about to die, just as everyone else on earth does. The LORD your God has kept all of the good promises he gave you. Every one of them has come true. Not one has failed to come true. And you know that with all your heart and soul
15 "Every good promise of the LORD your God has come true. So you know that the LORD will bring on you all of the evil things he has warned you about. He'll do it until he has destroyed you. He'll do it until he has removed you from this good land. It's the land he has given you.
16 "Suppose you break the covenant the LORD your God made with you. He commanded you to obey it. But suppose you go and serve other gods. And you bow down to them. Then the LORD's anger will burn against you. You will quickly be destroyed. You will be removed from the good land he has given you."
Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica.   All rights reserved worldwide.
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