Matthew 22:8

8 "Then the king said to his servants, 'The wedding dinner is ready. But those I invited were not fit to come.

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Matthew 22:8 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 22:8

Then saith he to his servants,
&c.] That were preserved from their rage and malice, and outlived their implacable enemies, and saw their utter ruin and destruction: the wedding is ready;
meaning not the marriage contract, which was secretly performed in eternity; or the calling of God's elect among the Jews, and their open espousal to Christ, which for the present was now over; but the marriage feast, or the Gospel dispensation, which was ushered in, and the ministry of it, to which nothing was wanting; all the promises, prophecies, types, and shadows, of the former dispensation, were now accomplished; the Lamb of God was slain, and all things to be done by him, were now finished; the ministers of the Gospel, the apostles, were called, their commission enlarged, and they qualified with a greater measure of the Spirit, and were sent to preach both to Jews and Gentiles: but they which were bidden were not worthy;
that is, the Jews, who had notice of this dispensation by the prophets, were told by John the Baptist, that it was at hand; were once, and again externally called unto it by the ministry of the apostles; but they were not only unworthy in themselves, as all men are, of such a blessing and privilege, but they behaved towards it in a very unworthy manner; they were so far from attending on it in a diligent and peaceable way, as becomes all such persons that are blessed with the external ministry of it; who when they do so, may be said to behave worthily, and, in some sense, to be worthy of such a privilege being continued with them; see ( Matthew 10:13 ) compared with ( Luke 10:6 ) that they contradicted and blasphemed it, and by their own outrageous carriage, showed plainly that they were unworthy of it; and were so judged by Christ and his apostles, who ordered them to turn from them, and go to the Gentiles, and which may be intended in the following words.

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Matthew 22:8 In-Context

6 The rest grabbed his servants. They treated them badly and then killed them.
7 "The king became very angry. He sent his army to destroy them. They killed those murderers and burned their city.
8 "Then the king said to his servants, 'The wedding dinner is ready. But those I invited were not fit to come.
9 Go to the street corners. Invite to the dinner anyone you can find.'
10 So the servants went out into the streets. They gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad. Soon the wedding hall was filled with guests.
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