Proverbs 16:17

17 The path of honest people takes them away from evil. Those who guard their ways guard their lives.

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Proverbs 16:17 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 16:17

The highway of the upright [is] to depart from evil
Upright persons, such who are upright in heart, and walk uprightly; these walk in the highway of holiness, in which men, though fools, shall not err; in the King's highway, the highway of the King of kings; in the plain beaten path of God's commandments; and so shun the bypaths of sin, and abstain from all appearance of it: this is their common constant course of life; they are studiously concerned to walk herein, and take delight in so doing; whereby they escape many evils others fall into; he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul,
that keeps on in his way, the way in which the upright walk; whose eyes look right on, and his eyelids straight before him; who ponders the path of his feet, and turns neither to the right hand nor the left; who walks circumspectly and carefully; observes the road he is in, to keep in it, and not go out of it; such a man preserves his soul from many snares and temptations, troubles, dangers, and evils, which he would be otherwise liable to. Here the Masorites put the word (yux) , signifying that this is the half or middle of the book.

Proverbs 16:17 In-Context

15 When a king's face is happy, it means life. His favor is like rain in the spring.
16 It is much better to get wisdom than gold. It is much better to choose understanding than silver.
17 The path of honest people takes them away from evil. Those who guard their ways guard their lives.
18 If you are proud, you will be destroyed. If you are proud, you will fall.
19 Suppose you are lowly in spirit and are with those who are beaten down. That's better than sharing stolen goods with those who are proud.
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