Psalms 115:5

5 They have mouths, but they can't speak. They have eyes, but they can't see.

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Psalms 115:5 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 115:5

They have mouths, but they speak not
These idols are carved with mouths, but they make no use of them; if any cry to them for they cannot answer them, nor save them from their troubles. Baal's priests cried to their idol, but was no voice heard, nor answer returned; they are rightly called dumb idols, ( Habakkuk 2:18 ) ( Isaiah 46:7 ) ( Jeremiah 10:5 ) ( 1 Kings 18:26 1 Kings 18:29 ) , but our God in the heavens, when his people cry to him, he answers them, and sends them relief; and tells them his grace is sufficient for them, and so they find it to be.

Eyes have they, but they see not;
they are made with eyes in their heads, but cannot see with them; they cannot see their worshippers, nor what they bring to them; neither their persons nor their wants, ( Daniel 5:23 ) , but our God and Father in heaven, he sees in secret the persons and hearts of his people; their desires are before him, and their groanings are not hid from him; his eyes are on the righteous, and are never withdrawn from them.

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Psalms 115:5 In-Context

3 Our God is in heaven. He does anything he wants to do.
4 But the statues of their gods are made out of silver and gold. They are made by the hands of men.
5 They have mouths, but they can't speak. They have eyes, but they can't see.
6 They have ears, but they can't hear. They have noses, but they can't smell.
7 They have hands, but they can't feel. They have feet, but they can't walk. They have throats, but they can't say anything.
Holy Bible, New International Reader's Version® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1998 by Biblica.   All rights reserved worldwide.
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