Isaiah 13:13

13 For I will shake the heavens. The earth will move from its place when the LORD of Heaven’s Armies displays his wrath in the day of his fierce anger.”

Isaiah 13:13 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 13:13

Therefore will I shake the heavens
Some think this was literally fulfilled at the taking of Babylon, when the heavens were shook with dreadful thunders and lightnings; as well as what is said above of the sun, moon, and stars, not giving their light; and so is likewise what follows, and the earth shall remove out of her place;
and that there was a violent shock by an earthquake at the same time; but rather all this is to be understood figuratively, as expressive of the great confusion men would then be in, it being as if all nature was convulsed, and heaven and earth were coming together, or rather dissolving: in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce
when that should be; or through it, or because of it, as the Septuagint, see ( Isaiah 13:6 Isaiah 13:9 ) compare with this ( Revelation 16:18-20 ) which expresses the destruction of mystical Babylon in much such language.

Isaiah 13:13 In-Context

11 “I, the LORD, will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their sin. I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty.
12 I will make people scarcer than gold— more rare than the fine gold of Ophir.
13 For I will shake the heavens. The earth will move from its place when the LORD of Heaven’s Armies displays his wrath in the day of his fierce anger.”
14 Everyone in Babylon will run about like a hunted gazelle, like sheep without a shepherd. They will try to find their own people and flee to their own land.
15 Anyone who is captured will be cut down— run through with a sword.
Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.