And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land
of Canaan
It had been all spent in the third, fourth, and fifth years of the famine; for it seems to be at the end of the fifth, or beginning of the sixth year of the famine, that this was the case, since we after read of a second or following year, which was very plainly the last, since seed was given them to sow the land with, which shows the time of drought to be near at an end: all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, give us bread;
freely, for nothing, since they had no money to buy any with: no mention is made of the Canaanites, who could not presume to come and ask for corn on such a footing: for why should we die in thy presence?
before his eyes, he not relieving them when it was in his power to do it; they knew such an argument as this would work upon a mind so humane, tender, and generous as was Joseph's: for the money faileth;
all was gone, they had none left to purchase corn with; or they suggest they should not have desired to have had it at free cost.