Job 31:31

31 if those of my tent ever said, "O that we might be sated with his flesh!' —

Job 31:31 Meaning and Commentary

Job 31:31

If the men of my tabernacle
Either his friends, that came to visit him, and take a meal with him, and would sometimes tarry awhile with him in his house, being very free and familiar with him; and who were, as it were, at home in his tabernacle; or rather his domestic servants, that were under his roof, and dwelt in his house, see ( Job 19:15 ) ; if these

said not, oh that we had of his flesh! we cannot be satisfied;
of the flesh of Job's enemy; and the sense is that his servants used to say, are cannot bear to see our master so ill used and insulted by his enemy; we wish he would only allow us to avenge him on him, we would eat him up alive; we would devour him, and destroy him at once; nor can we be satisfied unless we have leave to do it: and so this is a further proof of Job's patience with his enemies, that though he had fetters on in his family, his servants solicited him to revenge, yet he abstained from it; which may be exemplified in the cases of David and of Christ, ( 1 Samuel 26:8 ) ( 2 Samuel 16:9 ) ( Luke 9:54 ) , though some think these words express Job's patience towards his servants, who were so angry with him for the strict discipline he observed in his house, that they wished they had his flesh to eat, and could not be satisfied without it; and yet, so far was he from taking pleasure in the calamities of his enemies, and wishing ill to them, that he did not resent the ill natured speeches of his servants, and avenge himself on them for their wicked insults upon him: but it can hardly be thought that Job would keep such wicked servants in his house; but perhaps Job here enters upon a new crime, which he clears himself of, and is opened more fully in ( Job 31:32 ) , namely, inhospitality to strangers; since the particle "if" commonly begins a new article in this chapter, and being taken in this sense, various interpretations are given; some, as if Job's servants were displeased with him for his hospitality, that his house was always so full of guests, that they were continually employed in dressing food for them, that they had not time, or that there was not enough left for them to eat of his flesh, his food, and be satisfied with it; or else, as pleased with the plentiful table he kept, and therefore desired to continue always in his service, and eat of his food; nor could they be satisfied with the food of others, or live elsewhere; though perhaps it is best of all to render the words, as by some, who will give, or show the man "that is not satisfied of his flesh?" F8 point out the man in all the neighbourhood that has not been liberally entertained at Job's table to his full satisfaction and content; and his liberality did not extend only to his neighbours, but to strangers also; as follows.


F8 So Schultens, "quis"; and Ikenius, apud ib.
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Job 31:31 In-Context

29 "If I have rejoiced at the ruin of those who hated me, or exulted when evil overtook them—
30 I have not let my mouth sin by asking for their lives with a curse—
31 if those of my tent ever said, "O that we might be sated with his flesh!' —
32 the stranger has not lodged in the street; I have opened my doors to the traveler—
33 if I have concealed my transgressions as others do, by hiding my iniquity in my bosom,

Footnotes 1

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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