Génesis 32:22-31

22 Jacob lucha con Dios
Durante la noche, Jacob se levantó y tomó a sus dos esposas, a sus dos mujeres esclavas y a sus once hijos, y cruzó el río Jaboc con ellos.
23 Después de llevarlos a la otra orilla, hizo pasar todas sus pertenencias.
24 Entonces Jacob se quedó solo en el campamento, y llegó un hombre y luchó con él hasta el amanecer.
25 Cuando el hombre vio que no ganaría el combate, tocó la cadera de Jacob y la dislocó.
26 Luego el hombre le dijo:
—¡Déjame ir, pues ya amanece!
—No te dejaré ir a menos que me bendigas —le dijo Jacob.
27 —¿Cómo te llamas? —preguntó el hombre.
—Jacob —contestó él.
28 —Tu nombre ya no será Jacob —le dijo el hombre—. De ahora en adelante, serás llamado Israel,
porque has luchado con Dios y con los hombres, y has vencido.
29 —Por favor, dime cuál es tu nombre —le dijo Jacob.
—¿Por qué quieres saber mi nombre? —respondió el hombre. Entonces bendijo a Jacob allí.
30 Jacob llamó a aquel lugar Peniel (que significa «rostro de Dios»), porque dijo: «He visto a Dios cara a cara, y sin embargo, conservo la vida».
31 El sol salía cuando Jacob dejó Peniel
y se fue cojeando debido a su cadera dislocada.

Génesis 32:22-31 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter informs us of Jacob's proceeding on in his journey, and of his being met and guarded by an host of angels, Ge 32:1,2; of his sending messengers to his brother Esau, acquainting him with his increase, and desiring his favour and good will, Ge 32:3-5, who return and report to him, that Esau was coming to him with four hundred men, which put him into a panic, and after devising ways and means for the security of himself; and those with him, at least a part, if not the whole, Ge 32:6-8; then follows a prayer of his to God, pressing his unworthiness of mercies, and his sense of them, imploring deliverance from his brother, and putting the Lord in mind of his promises, Ge 32:9-12; after which we have an account of the wise methods he took for the safety of himself and family, by sending a present to his brother, dividing those who had the charge of it into separate companies, and directing them to move at a proper distance from each other, he, his wives and children, following after, Ge 32:13-23; when they were over the brook Jabbok, he stopped, and being alone, the Son of God in an human form appeared to him, and wrestled with him, with whom Jacob prevailed, and got the blessing, and hence had the name of Israel, Ge 32:24-28; and though he could not get his name, he perceived it was a divine Person he had wrestled with, and therefore called the name of the place Penuel, Ge 32:29-31; the hollow of his thigh being touched by him with whom he wrestled, which put it out of joint, he halted as he went over Penuel, in commemoration of which the children of Israel eat not of that part of the thigh, Ge 32:31,32.

Esta Biblia es una edición de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente. La Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, © Tyndale House Foundation, 2010. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite Tyndale en Internet: www.BibliaNTV.com y www.tyndaleespanol.com.