Job 10

1 Job expresa su petición a Dios
»Estoy harto de mi vida.
Dejen que desahogue mis quejas abiertamente,
mi alma llena de amargura debe quejarse.
2 Le diré a Dios: “No me condenes de plano,
dime qué cargos tienes en mi contra.
3 ¿Qué ganas con oprimirme?
¿Por qué me rechazas, siendo yo obra de tus manos,
mientras miras con favor los planes de los malvados?
4 ¿Son tus ojos como los de un ser humano?
¿Ves las cosas de la misma manera que la gente?
5 ¿Dura tu vida lo mismo que la nuestra?
¿Es tu vida tan corta
6 que tienes que apurarte a descubrir mi culpa
y a buscar mi pecado?
7 Aunque sabes que no soy culpable,
no hay quien me rescate de tus manos.
8 »”Tú me formaste con tus manos; tú me hiciste,
sin embargo, ahora me destruyes por completo.
9 Recuerda que me hiciste del polvo,
¿me harás volver tan pronto al polvo?
10 Tú guiaste mi concepción
y me formaste en el vientre.
11 Me vestiste con piel y carne
y tejiste mis huesos junto con mis tendones.
12 Me diste vida y me mostraste tu amor inagotable,
y con tu cuidado preservaste mi vida.
13 »”Sin embargo, tu verdadero motivo
—tu verdadera intención—
14 era vigilarme y, si cometía pecado,
no perdonar mi culpa.
15 Si soy culpable, mala suerte para mí;
aun si soy inocente, no puedo mantener mi cabeza en alto
porque estoy lleno de vergüenza y sufrimiento.
16 Y si mantengo mi cabeza en alto, tú me persigues como un león
y despliegas contra mí tu imponente poder.
17 Una y otra vez testificas en mi contra;
derramas sobre mí tu creciente enojo
y desplazas tropas de relevo contra mí.
18 »”¿Por qué entonces me sacaste del vientre de mi madre?
¿Por qué no me dejaste morir al nacer?
19 Sería como si nunca hubiera existido;
habría ido directamente del vientre a la tumba.
20 Me quedan pocos días, así que déjame en paz
para que tenga un momento de consuelo
21 antes de irme —para nunca más volver—
a la tierra de oscuridad y penumbra absoluta.
22 Es una tierra tan oscura como la medianoche,
una tierra de penumbra y confusión
donde aun la luz es tan oscura como la medianoche”».

Job 10 Commentary

Chapter 10

Job complains of his hardships. (1-7) He pleads with God as his Maker. (8-13) He complains of God's severity. (14-22)

Verses 1-7 Job, being weary of his life, resolves to complain, but he will not charge God with unrighteousness. Here is a prayer that he might be delivered from the sting of his afflictions, which is sin. When God afflicts us, he contends with us; when he contends with us, there is always a reason; and it is desirable to know the reason, that we may repent of and forsake the sin for which God has a controversy with us. But when, like Job, we speak in the bitterness of our souls, we increase guilt and vexation. Let us harbour no hard thoughts of God; we shall hereafter see there was no cause for them. Job is sure that God does not discover things, nor judge of them, as men do; therefore he thinks it strange that God continues him under affliction, as if he must take time to inquire into his sin.

Verses 8-13 Job seems to argue with God, as if he only formed and preserved him for misery. God made us, not we ourselves. How sad that those bodies should be instruments of unrighteousness, which are capable of being temples of the Holy Ghost! But the soul is the life, the soul is the man, and this is the gift of God. If we plead with ourselves as an inducement to duty, God made me and maintains me, we may plead as an argument for mercy, Thou hast made me, do thou new-make me; I am thine, save me.

Verses 14-22 Job did not deny that as a sinner he deserved his sufferings; but he thought that justice was executed upon him with peculiar rigour. His gloom, unbelief, and hard thoughts of God, were as much to be ascribed to Satan's inward temptations, and his anguish of soul, under the sense of God's displeasure, as to his outward trials, and remaining depravity. Our Creator, become in Christ our Redeemer also, will not destroy the work of his hands in any humble believer; but will renew him unto holiness, that he may enjoy eternal life. If anguish on earth renders the grave a desirable refuge, what will be their condition who are condemned to the blackness of darkness for ever? Let every sinner seek deliverance from that dreadful state, and every believer be thankful to Jesus, who delivereth from the wrath to come.

Chapter Summary


Job here declares the greatness of his afflictions, which made him weary of his life, and could not help complaining; entreats the Lord not to condemn him but show him the reason of his thus dealing with him, Job 10:1,2; and expostulates with him about it, and suggests as if it was severe, and not easily reconciled to his perfections, when he knew he was not a wicked man, Job 10:3-7; he puts him in mind of his formation and preservation of him, and after all destroyed him, Job 10:8-12; and represents his case as very distressed; whether he was wicked or righteous it mattered not, his afflictions were increasing upon him, Job 10:13-17; and all this he observes, in order to justify his eager desire after death, which he renews, Job 10:18,19; and entreats, since his days he had to live were but few, that God would give him some respite before he went into another state, which he describes, Job 10:20-22.

Job 10 Commentaries

Esta Biblia es una edición de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente. La Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, © Tyndale House Foundation, 2010. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite Tyndale en Internet: y