Tito 2:3

3 De manera similar, enseña a las mujeres mayores a vivir de una manera que honre a Dios. No deben calumniar a nadie ni emborracharse.
En cambio, deberían enseñarles a otros lo que es bueno.

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Tito 2:3 Meaning and Commentary

Titus 2:3

And the aged women likewise
Speak also to them the things which become their profession, and what is right for them to be, and do: these aged women design not persons in office, who were ancient widows, and had some care of the poor; or presbyteresses, as some call them, the wives of presbyters or elders, as being distinct from deaconesses; but godly women in years, who are to be instructed and exhorted:

that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness;
or "holy women", sanctified by the Spirit of God; and who are priestesses unto God, as the word may signify, being made so by Christ unto the Father, as men are made kings and priests by him; such ought to be in their clothing, and in their speech, and in the whole of their conduct and conversation, as become the character which they bear, and the profession they make:

not false accusers;
of the brethren, and sisters, which is to act the part of the devil; and indeed, the same word is here used which is commonly given to him; not raising false reports of, bringing false charges against members of churches, and so making differences and divisions among them.

Not given to much wine;
or serving it, or being enslaved by it, which is very scandalous in any, especially in the female sex, and yet was what was too common in the eastern countries.

Teachers of good things;
both by example and by instruction, but in their own houses privately; for they were not suffered to teach publicly, or to speak in the church; these should be teachers, not of old wives' fables, of superstitious customs, rites, and ceremonies, of the intrigues of love, and of things filthy and obscene, which are too often handed down to posterity by such persons; but of things that are solid and substantial, useful and improving, honest and honourable, chaste and pure. Particularly,

Tito 2:3 In-Context

1 Fomenta la enseñanza correcta
Tito, en cuanto a ti, fomenta la clase de vida que refleje la sana enseñanza.
2 Enseña a los hombres mayores a ejercitar el control propio, a ser dignos de respeto y a vivir sabiamente. Deben tener una fe sólida y estar llenos de amor y paciencia.
3 De manera similar, enseña a las mujeres mayores a vivir de una manera que honre a Dios. No deben calumniar a nadie ni emborracharse.
En cambio, deberían enseñarles a otros lo que es bueno.
4 Esas mujeres mayores tienen que instruir a las más jóvenes a amar a sus esposos y a sus hijos,
5 a vivir sabiamente y a ser puras, a trabajar en su hogar,
a hacer el bien y a someterse a sus esposos. Entonces no deshonrarán la palabra de Dios.
Esta Biblia es una edición de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente. La Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, © Tyndale House Foundation, 2010. Todos los derechos reservados. Visite Tyndale en Internet: www.BibliaNTV.com y www.tyndaleespanol.com.