Génesis 23:18

18 La transacción se hizo en presencia de los hititas y de los que pasaban por la puerta de su ciudad.

Génesis 23:18 Meaning and Commentary

Genesis 23:18

Unto Abraham for a possession
To be enjoyed by him and his for ever, as his own property, being purchased by his money: in the presence of the children of Heth;
they being witnesses of the bargain, and of the payment of the money by Abraham, and of the surrender of the field unto him, for his own use: before all that went in at the gates of his city;
not of Abraham's city, for he had none, but of Ephron's city, which was Hebron, see ( Genesis 23:10 ) ; these are either the same with the children of Heth, and so the clause is added by way of explanation, and including all the inhabitants of the place; or else different from them, they intending the princes of the people that composed the assembly Abraham addressed, and these the common people, the inhabitants of the place. Aben Ezra takes them to be the travellers that passed and repassed through the gates of the city: however, the design of the expression is to show in what a public manner this affair was transacted, and that the field was made as firm and as sure to Abraham as it could well be, no writings on such occasion being used so early.

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Génesis 23:18 In-Context

16 Abraham se puso de acuerdo con Efrón, y en presencia de los hititas le pagó lo convenido: cuatrocientas monedas de plata, moneda corriente entre los comerciantes.
17 Así fue como el campo de Efrón, que estaba en Macpela, cerca de Mamré, pasó a ser propiedad de Abraham, junto con la cueva y todos los árboles que estaban dentro de los límites del campo.
18 La transacción se hizo en presencia de los hititas y de los que pasaban por la puerta de su ciudad.
19 Luego Abraham sepultó a su esposa Sara en la cueva del campo de Macpela que está cerca de Mamré, es decir, en Hebrón, en la tierra de Canaán.
20 De esta manera, el campo y la cueva que estaba en él dejó de ser de los hititas y pasó a ser propiedad de Abraham para sepultura.
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