Hechos 21:12

12 Al oír esto, nosotros y los de aquel lugar le rogamos a Pablo que no subiera a Jerusalén.

Hechos 21:12 Meaning and Commentary

Acts 21:12

And when we heard these things
These prophecies, concerning the binding of the apostle by the Jews, and the delivery of him to the Romans, and saw the symbolical representations of these things:

both we;
the companions of the apostle, Luke and the rest:

and they of that place;
of Caesarea, Philip and his daughters, and the disciples that lived there:

besought him not to go up to Jerusalem;
which was an instance of weakness in them, though an expression of their affection to the apostle; in the disciples of Caesarea it might arise from pure love to him, and a concern for his safety, and the continuance of his useful life; and in his companions it might be owing partly to their sincere love to him, and partly to the fear of danger which they themselves might conclude they should be exposed to; and this request was made with tears, as is evident from what follows.

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Hechos 21:12 In-Context

10 Llevábamos allí varios días, cuando bajó de Judea un profeta llamado Ágabo.
11 Este vino a vernos y, tomando el cinturón de Pablo, se ató con él de pies y manos, y dijo:—Así dice el Espíritu Santo: “De esta manera atarán los judíos de Jerusalén al dueño de este cinturón, y lo entregarán en manos de los gentiles”.
12 Al oír esto, nosotros y los de aquel lugar le rogamos a Pablo que no subiera a Jerusalén.
13 —¿Por qué lloran? ¡Me parten el alma! —respondió Pablo—. Por el nombre del Señor Jesús estoy dispuesto no solo a ser atado sino también a morir en Jerusalén.
14 Como no se dejaba convencer, desistimos exclamando:—¡Que se haga la voluntad del Señor!
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