Eclesiastes 12

1 Lembre-se do seu Criadornos dias da sua juventude,antes que venham os dias difíceise se aproximem os anos em que você dirá:“Não tenho satisfação neles”;
2 antes que se escureçam o sol e a luz,a lua e as estrelas,e as nuvens voltem depois da chuva;
3 quando os guardas da casa tremereme os homens fortes caminharem encurvados;quando pararem os moedores por serem poucos,e aqueles que olham pelas janelas enxergarem embaçado;
4 quando as portas da rua forem fechadase diminuir o som da moagem;quando o barulho das aves o fizer despertar,mas o som de todas as canções parecer fraco para você;
5 quando você tiver medo de altura,e dos perigos das ruas;quando florir a amendoeira,o gafanhoto for um pesoe o desejo já não se despertar.Então o homem se vai para o seu lar eterno,e os pranteadores já vagueiam pelas ruas.
6 Sim, lembre-se dele, antes que se rompa o cordão de prata,ou se quebre a taça de ouro;antes que o cântaro se despedace junto à fonte,a roda se quebre junto ao poço,
7 o pó volte à terra, de onde veio,e o espírito volte a Deus, que o deu.
8 “Tudo sem sentido! Sem sentido!”, diz o mestre.“Nada faz sentido! Nada faz sentido!”


9 Além de ser sábio, o mestre também ensinou conhecimento ao povo. Ele escutou, examinou e colecionou muitos provérbios.
10 Procurou também encontrar as palavras certas, e o que ele escreveu era reto e verdadeiro.
11 As palavras dos sábios são como aguilhões, a coleção dos seus ditos como pregos bem fixados, provenientes do único Pastor.
12 Cuidado, meu filho; nada acrescente a eles.Não há limite para a produção de livros, e estudar demais deixa exausto o corpo.
13 Agora que já se ouviu tudo,aqui está a conclusão:Tema a Deus e obedeça aos seus mandamentos,porque isso é o essencial para o homem.[a]
14 Pois Deus trará a julgamento tudo o que foi feito,inclusive tudo o que está escondido,seja bom, seja mau.

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Eclesiastes 12 Commentary

Chapter 12

A description of the infirmities of age. (1-7) All is vanity: also a warning of the judgment to come. (8-14)

Verses 1-7 We should remember our sins against our Creator, repent, and seek forgiveness. We should remember our duties, and set about them, looking to him for grace and strength. This should be done early, while the body is strong, and the spirits active. When a man has the pain of reviewing a misspent life, his not having given up sin and worldly vanities till he is forced to say, I have no pleasure in them, renders his sincerity very questionable. Then follows a figurative description of old age and its infirmities, which has some difficulties; but the meaning is plain, to show how uncomfortable, generally, the days of old age are. As the four verses, ( 2-5 ) , are a figurative description of the infirmities that usually accompany old age, ver. ( 6 ) notices the circumstances which take place in the hour of death. If sin had not entered into the world, these infirmities would not have been known. Surely then the aged should reflect on the evil of sin.

Verses 8-14 Solomon repeats his text, VANITY OF VANITIES, ALL IS VANITY. These are the words of one that could speak by dear-bought experience of the vanity of the world, which can do nothing to ease men of the burden of sin. As he considered the worth of souls, he gave good heed to what he spake and wrote; words of truth will always be acceptable words. The truths of God are as goads to such as are dull and draw back, and nails to such as are wandering and draw aside; means to establish the heart, that we may never sit loose to our duty, nor be taken from it. The Shepherd of Israel is the Giver of inspired wisdom. Teachers and guides all receive their communications from him. The title is applied in Scripture to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The prophets sought diligently, what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. To write many books was not suited to the shortness of human life, and would be weariness to the writer, and to the reader; and then was much more so to both than it is now. All things would be vanity and vexation, except they led to this conclusion, That to fear God, and keep his commandments, is the whole of man. The fear of God includes in it all the affections of the soul towards him, which are produced by the Holy Spirit. There may be terror where there is no love, nay, where there is hatred. But this is different from the gracious fear of God, as the feelings of an affectionate child. The fear of God, is often put for the whole of true religion in the heart, and includes its practical results in the life. Let us attend to the one thing needful, and now come to him as a merciful Saviour, who will soon come as an almighty Judge, when he will bring to light the things of darkness, and manifest the counsels of all hearts. Why does God record in his word, that ALL IS VANITY, but to keep us from deceiving ourselves to our ruin? He makes our duty to be our interest. May it be graven in all our hearts. Fear God, and keep his commandments, for this is all that concerns man.

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. Ou "o dever de todo homem"

Chapter Summary


This chapter begins with advice to young men, which is continued from the preceding; and particularly to remember their Creator in the days of their youth; enforced from the consideration of the troubles and inconveniences of old age, Ec 12:1; which, in an allegorical way, is beautifully described, Ec 12:2-6; and from the certainty of death, when it would be too late, Ec 12:7. And then the wise man returns to his first proposition, and which he kept in view all along, that all is vanity in youth or old age, Ec 12:8; and recommends the reading of this book, from the diligence, pains and labour, he used in composing it; from the sententious matter in it; from the agreeable, acceptable, and well chosen words, in which he had expressed it; and from the wisdom, uprightness, truth, efficacy, and authority of the doctrines of it, Ec 12:9-11; and from its preference to other books, which were wearisome both to author and reader, Ec 12:12. And it is concluded with the scope and design, the sum and substance of the whole of it, reducible to these two heads; the fear of God, and obedience to him, Ec 12:13; and which are urged from the consideration of a future judgment, into which all things shall be brought, Ec 12:14.

Eclesiastes 12 Commentaries

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