Mateus 3:14

14 João, porém, tentou impedi-lo, dizendo: “Eu preciso ser batizado por ti, e tu vens a mim?”

Mateus 3:14 Meaning and Commentary

Matthew 3:14

But John forbad him, saying
It appears from hence, that John knew Christ before he baptized him, and before he saw the Spirit descending and abiding on him, ( John 1:33 ) wherefore that was not a signal, whereby he should first know him but whereby his knowledge of him should be confirmed; which knowledge of him he had, not through his kindred to him, or by any conversation he had with him before, but by immediate, divine revelation: upon which account he "forbad him"; refused to administer the ordinance to him; earnestly entreated that he would not insist upon it; desired to be excused being concerned herein: and this he did, partly lest the people should think Christ was not so great a person as he had represented him to be; yea, that he was one of the penitent sinners John had admitted to his baptism; and chiefly because of the majesty and dignity of Christ's person, who he knew stood in no need of such an outward ordinance; and because of his own unworthiness to administer it to him, as is evident from what follows,

I have need to be baptized of thee;
not with water baptism, which Christ never administered, but with the baptism of the Spirit, which was his peculiar office. Hence we learn, that though John was so holy a man, was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb, had such large measures of grace, and lived such an exemplary life and conversation; yet was far from thinking, that he was perfect and righteous in himself, but stood in need of Christ, and of more grace from him. He seems surprised that Christ should come to him, and make such a motion to him; when it was his duty and privilege to come to him daily for fresh supplies of grace, and always to trust in him for life and salvation;

and comest thou to me?
who am of the earth, earthly, when thou art the Lord from heaven; "to me", a poor sinful creature, when thou art the Holy One of God; "to me", who am thy servant, when thou art Lord of all; "to me", who always stand in need of thy grace, when thou art God all sufficient.

Mateus 3:14 In-Context

12 Ele traz a pá em sua mão e limpará sua eira, juntando seu trigo no celeiro, mas queimará a palha com fogo que nunca se apaga”.
13 Então Jesus veio da Galileia ao Jordão para ser batizado por João.
14 João, porém, tentou impedi-lo, dizendo: “Eu preciso ser batizado por ti, e tu vens a mim?”
15 Respondeu Jesus: “Deixe assim por enquanto; convém que assim façamos, para cumprir toda a justiça”. E João concordou.
16 Assim que Jesus foi batizado, saiu da água. Naquele momento, o céu se abriu, e ele viu o Espírito de Deus descendo como pomba e pousando sobre ele.
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