Oséias 13:4

4 “Mas eu sou o SENHOR, o seu Deus,desde a terra do Egito.Vocês não reconhecerão nenhum outro Deus além de mim,nenhum outro Salvador.

Oséias 13:4 Meaning and Commentary

Hosea 13:4

Yet I [am] the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt
Which brought thee out from thence, as the Targum; and ever since, from that time to this, had shown a regard unto them, as the Lord their God, both in the wilderness, as later mentioned, and in the land of Canaan, where they had been continued, and followed with instances of goodness to that day, and yet find sinned in so gross a manner; which argued great ingratitude in them, and forgetfulness of the Lord, and his mercies: and thou shalt know no God but me;
they ought to have known, acknowledged, and worshipped no other god, as was enjoined them in the law: or, "thou knowest not" F2; they did not know any other, which they in their own consciences were obliged to confess, if appealed to; however, they should know no other; by sad experience they would find that there was no other that could be of any service to them; their images and idols being unable to help them: for [there is] no saviour besides me;
that could save them out of their troubles, and deliver them out of their distresses; no other that is, or can be, the author, either of temporal or of spiritual and eternal salvation.


F2 (edt al) "non novisti, [vel] cognovisti", Liveleus, Drusius, Rivet.
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Oséias 13:4 In-Context

2 Agora eles pecam cada vez mais;com sua prata fazem ídolos de metal para si,imagens modeladas com muita inteligência,todas elas obras de artesãos.Dizem desse povo:“Eles oferecem sacrifício humanoe beijam os ídolos feitos em forma de bezerro”.
3 Por isso serão como a neblina da manhã,como o orvalho que bem cedo evapora,como palha que num redemoinho vai-se de uma eira,como a fumaça que sai pela chaminé.
4 “Mas eu sou o SENHOR, o seu Deus,desde a terra do Egito.Vocês não reconhecerão nenhum outro Deus além de mim,nenhum outro Salvador.
5 Eu cuidei de vocês no deserto,naquela terra de calor ardente.
6 Quando eu os alimentava, ficavam satisfeitos;quando ficavam satisfeitos, eles se orgulhavam,e então me esqueciam.
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