Oséias 13

A Ira do Senhor contra Israel

1 Quando Efraim falava, os homens tremiam;ele era exaltado em Israel.Mas tornou-se culpado da adoração a Baal e começou a morrer.
2 Agora eles pecam cada vez mais;com sua prata fazem ídolos de metal para si,imagens modeladas com muita inteligência,todas elas obras de artesãos.Dizem desse povo:“Eles oferecem sacrifício humanoe beijam os ídolos feitos em forma de bezerro”.
3 Por isso serão como a neblina da manhã,como o orvalho que bem cedo evapora,como palha que num redemoinho vai-se de uma eira,como a fumaça que sai pela chaminé.
4 “Mas eu sou o SENHOR, o seu Deus,desde a terra do Egito.Vocês não reconhecerão nenhum outro Deus além de mim,nenhum outro Salvador.
5 Eu cuidei de vocês no deserto,naquela terra de calor ardente.
6 Quando eu os alimentava, ficavam satisfeitos;quando ficavam satisfeitos, eles se orgulhavam,e então me esqueciam.
7 Por isso virei sobre eles como leão,como leopardo, ficarei à espreita junto ao caminho.
8 Como uma ursa de quem roubaram os filhotes,eu os atacarei e os rasgarei.Como leão eu os devorarei;um animal selvagem os despedaçará.
9 “Você foi destruído, ó Israel,porque está contra mim, contra o seu ajudador.
10 E agora? Onde está o seu rei que havia de salvá-loem todas as suas cidades?E os oficiais que você pediu, dizendo:‘Dá-me um rei e líderes’?
11 Dei a você um rei na minha ira,e o tirei na minha indignação.
12 A culpa de Efraim foi anotada;seus pecados são mantidos em registro.
13 Chegam-lhe dores como as da mulher em trabalho de parto,mas é uma criança insensata;quando chega a hora,não sai do ventre que a abrigou.
14 “Eu os redimirei do poder da sepultura;eu os resgatarei da morte.Onde estão, ó morte, as suas pragas?Onde está, ó sepultura, a sua destruição?“Não terei compaixão alguma,
15 embora Efraim floresça entre os seus irmãos.Um vento oriental virá da parte do SENHOR,soprando desde o deserto;sua fonte falhará,e seu poço secará.Todos os seus tesourosserão saqueados dos seus depósitos.
16 O povo de Samaria carregará sua culpa,porque se rebelou contra o seu Deus.Eles serão mortos à espada;seus pequeninos serão pisados e despedaçados,suas mulheres grávidas terão rasgados os seus ventres”.

Oséias 13 Commentary

Chapter 13

The abuse of God's favour leads to punishment. (1-8) A promise of God's mercy. (9-16)

Verses 1-8 While Ephraim kept up a holy fear of God, and worshipped Him in that fear, so long he was very considerable. When Ephraim forsook God, and followed idolatry, he sunk. Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calves, in token of their adoration of them, affection for them, and obedience to them; but the Lord will not give his glory to another, and therefore all that worship images shall be confounded. No solid, lasting comfort, is to be expected any where but in God. God not only took care of the Israelites in the wilderness, he put them in possession of Canaan, a good land; but worldly prosperity, when it feeds men's pride, makes them forgetful of God. Therefore the Lord would meet them in just vengeance, as the most terrible beast that inhabited their forests. Abused goodness calls for greater severity.

Verses 9-16 Israel had destroyed himself by his rebellion; but he could not save himself, his help was from the Lord only. This may well be applied to the case of spiritual redemption, from that lost state into which all have fallen by wilful sins. God often gives in displeasure what we sinfully desire. It is the happiness of the saints, that, whether God gives or takes away, all is in love. But it is the misery of the wicked, that, whether God gives or takes away, it is all in wrath, nothing is comfortable. Except sinners repent and believe the gospel, anguish will soon come upon them. The prophecy of the ruin of Israel as a nation, also showed there would be a merciful and powerful interposition of God, to save a remnant of them. Yet this was but a shadow of the ransom of the true Israel, by the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. He will destroy death and the grave. The Lord would not repent of his purpose and promise. Yet, in the mean time, Israel would be desolated for her sins. Without fruitfulness in good works, springing from the Holy Spirit, all other fruitfulness will be found as empty as the uncertain riches of the world. The wrath of God will wither its branches, its sprigs shall be dried up, it shall come to nothing. Woes, more terrible than any from the most cruel warfare, shall fall on those who rebel against God. From such miseries, and from sin, the cause of them, may the Lord deliver us.

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Footnotes 2

Chapter Summary


This chapter begins with observing the different state and condition of Ephraim before and after his idolatry, Ho 13:1; his increase in it, Ho 13:2; and therefore his prosperity was very short lived, which is signified by various metaphors, Ho 13:3; and his sins are aggravated by the former goodness of God unto him his great ingratitude unto God, and forgetfulness him, Ho 13:4-6; hence he is threatened with his wrath and vengeance in a very severe manner, Ho 13:7,8; for which he had none to blame but himself; yea, such was the grace and goodness of God to him, that though he had destroyed himself, yet there were help and salvation for him in him, Ho 13:9; though not in his king he had desired, and was given, and was took away in wrath, Ho 13:10,11; but his sin being bound up and hid, and he foolish and unwise, sharp corrections would be given him, Ho 13:12,13; and yet a gracious promise is made of redemption from death and the grave by the Messiah, Ho 13:14; but, notwithstanding this, and all his present prosperity, he would be blasted in his wealth and riches; and Samaria the metropolis of his country would he desolate; and the inhabitants of it be used in the most cruel manner, because of their rebellion against God, Ho 13:15,16.

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Oséias 13 Commentaries

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