Kehillah in Corinth II 12:21

21 Lest when I come again Hashem Elohai may make me anav (humble) before you, and I should have agmat nefesh over many of the ones who committed averos before [2C 13:2], and have not made teshuva from the tumah (uncleanness) and zenut (fornication) and debauchery which they practiced.

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Kehillah in Corinth II 12:21 Meaning and Commentary

2 Corinthians 12:21

And lest when I come again
Another thing which he feared would be the case when he came again to them, that he himself should be afflicted and distressed, seeing them in a disorderly and dissolute course of life, be obliged to punish them, which would be an humiliation and matter of grief to him:

my God will humble me;
instead of rejoicing in the fruit of his labours, that they were not in vain, he signifies that he should have great sorrow of heart; and whereas he had promised himself much pleasure and comfort in visiting them, it would be the reverse; and inasmuch as he had boasted of them to others, he should be ashamed:

and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already,
or "before"; not before conversion, but before the writing of this or the former epistle; for nothing was more grieving, and occasioned more sorrow and humiliation to the apostle, than the unbecoming walk of professors; and nothing more sensibly affects a faithful minister of the Gospel:

and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication, and
lasciviousness, which they have committed.
The city of Corinth was famous, or rather infamous, for unclean practices; as fornication, adultery, lasciviousness in words and deeds, and other unnatural lusts; "Corinthian whores" was a common proverb; nor was it proper for persons to go to Corinth, there were so many snares for lust and uncleanness; there were said to be above a thousand prostitutes in the temple of Venus there F11; hence the very great impurities and wickedness, which many of the members of this church were guilty of, may be accounted for; some of them had repented, others not, which was the great concern of the apostle: and from hence we may learn, that gracious souls may be suffered to fall into great sins; and that when they are truly brought to repentance, they ought to be restored to communion with the church; but impenitent ones are to be cut off, and remain so, till brought to a due sense of their evils.


F11 Alex. ab Alex. Genial Dier. l. 4. c. 13. & 5. 15. & 6. 26.

Kehillah in Corinth II 12:21 In-Context

19 All along have you been thinking that we are making a hitstaddekut (defense, apology) before you? No, before Hashem in Moshiach we speak! Everything we do, Chaverim, is for the sake of your chozek (strength) and edification!
20 For I fear lest efsher (perhaps) when I come I may not find you as I wish [2C 2:1-4] and that you may not find me as you wish; I fear lest efsher there be merivah (strife), kinah (jealousy), ka’as (anger), machalokot (divisions), lashon hora (evil speech), ga’avah (conceit), commotions;
21 Lest when I come again Hashem Elohai may make me anav (humble) before you, and I should have agmat nefesh over many of the ones who committed averos before [2C 13:2], and have not made teshuva from the tumah (uncleanness) and zenut (fornication) and debauchery which they practiced.
The Orthodox Jewish Bible fourth edition, OJB. Copyright 2002,2003,2008,2010, 2011 by Artists for Israel International. All rights reserved.