Tehillim 116:4

4 Then called I b’Shem Hashem: O Hashem, save my nefesh!

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Tehillim 116:4 Meaning and Commentary

Psalms 116:4

Then called I upon the name of the Lord
Upon the Lord himself in prayer for speedy deliverance; or "in the name of the Lord" {h}, in the name of the Messiah, the only Mediator between God and man; "saying", as follows, and which word may be supplied,

O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul;
from these sorrows and pains, from these afflictions and distresses, from death and the grave, and from wrath, and a sense of it, and fears about it.


F8 (hwhy Mvb) "in nomine Domini", Montanus, Musculus, Vatablus.
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Tehillim 116:4 In-Context

2 Because He hath inclined His ozen (ear) unto me, therefore will I call upon Him while I have days.
3 Chevlei mavet (pangs of death) encompassed me, and the metzarei She’ol (confines, straitnesses of She’ol) have caught up with me and found me; tzoros and yagon (sorrow) I found.
4 Then called I b’Shem Hashem: O Hashem, save my nefesh!
5 Channun (gracious) is Hashem, and tzaddik; yes, Eloheinu is merciful.
6 Hashem is shomer over the petayim (simple-hearted, helpless); I was in need and li yehoshia (me He saved).
The Orthodox Jewish Bible fourth edition, OJB. Copyright 2002,2003,2008,2010, 2011 by Artists for Israel International. All rights reserved.
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