Yehuda 1:22

22 To those who are wavering, show rachamim; others, deliver, snatching them out of the Eish [Olam, YESHAYAH 66:24].

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Yehuda 1:22 Meaning and Commentary

Jude 1:22

And of some have compassion
That is, of such who have gone astray, being drawn aside; who are simple and ignorant, and out of the way; who sin through infirmity, and the force of temptation; and who are tractable and open to conviction, and whose mistakes are in lesser matters of religion; as also such who are convicted and wounded in their consciences for their sins and mistakes: and to these compassion is to be shown, by praying with them, and for them, with ardency and affection; instructing them in meekness; giving friendly and brotherly reproofs to them; expressing on all occasions a tender concern for their good; doing them all the good that can be done, both for their souls and bodies: and good reason there is why compassion should be shown them, because God is a God of compassion; Christ is a merciful high priest; a contrary spirit is grieving to the Holy Ghost; saints should consider what they themselves were, and what they now are, and that compassion has been shown to them, and they may want it again. The Alexandrian copy, and some others, and the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic versions, read, "reprove".

Making a difference;
between one and another; using some more tenderly, others more severely, as the nature and circumstances of their case appear to be. The Syriac version renders the whole, "when they repent, have compassion on them".

Yehuda 1:22 In-Context

20 But you, Chaverim, build yourselves up on what is kodesh kodeshim (most holy) of yours, your [correct, Orthodox Jewish] Emunah (Faith, v.3, the Emunah of the true Dat HaYehudit], davening in the Ruach Hakodesh.
21 Keep yourselves in the Ahavas Hashem, awaiting the rachamim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua unto Chayei Olam.
22 To those who are wavering, show rachamim; others, deliver, snatching them out of the Eish [Olam, YESHAYAH 66:24].
23 On others, have rachamim mixed with yireshakoved, hating even the undergarment defiled by corrupt human nature.
24 Now to the One who is able to stand shomer over you, to make you moineia (prevented) from falling, and to set you unblemished in the presence of his Shechinah, with sasson rav (much rejoicing),
The Orthodox Jewish Bible fourth edition, OJB. Copyright 2002,2003,2008,2010, 2011 by Artists for Israel International. All rights reserved.