Yeshayah 51:8

8 For the ahsh (moth) shall eat them up like a beged, and the worm shall eat them like wool; but My tzedakah shall be l’olahm, and My Yeshuah (Salvation) l’odor dorim (from generation to generation).

Yeshayah 51:8 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 51:8

For the moth shall eat them up like a garment
Either these reproaches, or the persons that reproach; as a garment is eaten by the moth, secretly, slowly, surely, and at last completely, so that it becomes utterly good for nothing; so secret, gradual, sure and certain, complete and perfect, will be the ruin and destruction of the enemies of Christ and his people: and the worm shall eat them like wool;
or as a woollen garment, which is most liable to be motheaten; for the moth and worm are much the same, as Kimchi and Ben Melech observe; who say, that in the Arabic tongue the moth is called by a name much of the same sound with this word in the text; and the sense is, that as a woollen garment is eaten and consumed by vermin, so wicked men will be destroyed by the vengeance of the Lord upon them; for the moth and worm design both the judgments of God upon them in this world, and his wrath in the other, where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched: but my righteousness shall be for ever;
to justify his people and secure them from wrath and ruin: and my salvation from generation to generation;
it will abide through the endless ages of eternity, and be the portion of the saints for ever, of which they are now heirs; is nearer than when they first believed, and is ready to be revealed, and will be everlastingly enjoyed by them, firm against all the accusations and charges of men and devils: or, "shall not fail" F15, as the Septuagint; its virtue to justify will always continue; it will answer for the saints in a time to come, even at the last judgment. The Targum is, it

``shall not tarry;''
being near to be wrought out and revealed, ( Isaiah 51:5 ) .

F15 (ou mh ekleiph) , Sept. "non deficiet", V. L.

Yeshayah 51:8 In-Context

6 Lift up your eyes to Shomayim, and look upon ha’aretz beneath; for Shomayim shall vanish like ashan (smoke), and ha’aretz shall wear out like a beged, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner; but My Yeshuah (Salvation) shall be l’olam, and My tzedakah shall not be dismayed.
7 Pay heed unto Me, ye that know tzedek, Am torati velibam (the People with My torah in their heart); fear ye not the cherpat enosh (the reproach, reviling of man) neither be ye afraid of their giddufot (insults, scorn).
8 For the ahsh (moth) shall eat them up like a beged, and the worm shall eat them like wool; but My tzedakah shall be l’olahm, and My Yeshuah (Salvation) l’odor dorim (from generation to generation).
9 Awake, awake, clothe thyself with oz, O zero’a Hashem [Moshiach; see Isaiah 53:1]; awake, as in the yemei kedem, in the dorot olamim. Art thou not it that hath cut Rachav to pieces, and pierced Tannin [See 27:1].
10 Art thou not the One Who hath dried the yam, the waters of the tehom rabbah; that hath made the depths of the yam a derech for the ge’ulim (redeemed ones) to cross over?
The Orthodox Jewish Bible fourth edition, OJB. Copyright 2002,2003,2008,2010, 2011 by Artists for Israel International. All rights reserved.