2 Samuel 21:22

22 Ces quatre-là étaient nés à Gath, de la race de Rapha; et ils périrent de la main de David et de la main de ses serviteurs.

2 Samuel 21:22 Meaning and Commentary

2 Samuel 21:22

These four were born to the giant in Gath
Not to Goliath, for one of them was his brother, but to some giant or another of that place, for which it was famous; they were all of them of the race of the giants; and so the Septuagint version, they were

``the offspring of the giants in Gath, whose family was Repha;''
and this Repha, or Arepha, as the Vulgate Latin version, according to Abarbinel, was a woman of the daughters of the giants; the Talmudists

F5 make her to be the same with Orpah, ( Ruth 1:4 ) . These giants, it is highly probable, were the descendants of the Anakim which remained in Gath after they were cut off by Joshua in other places, ( Joshua 11:22 ) ; and fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants;
the first, Ishbibenob, fell by the hand of David assisted by Abishai, and the other three by the persons mentioned.
F5 T. Bab. Sotah. fol. 42. 2.

2 Samuel 21:22 In-Context

20 Il y eut encore à Gath une guerre, où se trouva un homme de haute taille, qui avait six doigts aux mains et six aux pieds, vingt-quatre en tout, et qui était aussi de la race de Rapha.
21 Cet homme outragea Israël; mais Jonathan, fils de Shimea, frère de David, le tua.
22 Ces quatre-là étaient nés à Gath, de la race de Rapha; et ils périrent de la main de David et de la main de ses serviteurs.
The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.