3 Jean 1:7

7 Car ils sont partis pour son nom, sans rien prendre des Gentils.

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3 Jean 1:7 Meaning and Commentary

3 John 1:7

Because that for his name's sake they went forth
From Judea; either of their own accord to preach the Gospel, or being drove out by the unbelieving Jews, for professing the name of Christ; and be it which it will, there was good reason why they should be regarded, and especially since they did as follows,

taking nothing of the Gentiles;
even of those who were converted, though their preaching the Gospel, to whom they ministered, for of others, the unconverted Gentiles, they could not expect to receive; and this they did, as the apostles before them, because they would not be chargeable to them, and lest it should be thought they sought their own worldly interest, and not the good of souls and glory of Christ, and so a stumblingblock be laid in the way of the Gospel, to hinder the progress of it. The Ethiopic version reads this in the singular number, "and I went forth for his name's sake, taking nothing of the Gentiles".

3 Jean 1:7 In-Context

5 Bien-aimé, tu agis fidèlement dans ce que tu fais pour les frères et pour les étrangers;
6 Ils ont rendu témoignage à ta charité en présence de l'Église. Tu feras bien de pourvoir à leur voyage, d'une manière digne de Dieu.
7 Car ils sont partis pour son nom, sans rien prendre des Gentils.
8 Nous devons donc recevoir de telles personnes, afin de devenir ouvriers avec eux pour la vérité.
9 J'ai écrit à l'Église; mais Diotrèphe, qui aime à être le premier parmi eux, ne nous reçoit point.
The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.