Éphésiens 5:21

21 Soumettez-vous les uns aux autres dans la crainte de Dieu.

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Éphésiens 5:21 Meaning and Commentary

Ephesians 5:21

Submitting yourselves one to another
Which may be understood either in a political sense, of giving honour, obedience, and tribute, to civil magistrates, since they are set up by God for the good of men, and it is for the credit of religion for the saints to submit to them; or in an economical sense; thus the wife should be subject to the husband, children to their parents, and servants to their masters, which several things are afterwards insisted on, as explanative of this rule; or in an ecclesiastic sense, so the Ethiopic version renders it, "subject yourselves to your brethren": thus members of churches should be subject to their pastors, not in the same sense as they are to Christ, the head, nor are they obliged to believe or do everything they say, right or wrong; yet honour and esteem are due to them, and submission and obedience should be yielded to their doctrines, precepts, and exhortations, when they are agreeably to the word of God; since God has set them in the highest place in the church, called them to the highest service, and most honourable work, and bestowed on them the greatest gifts; the younger members should also submit to the elder, and the minority to the majority; one member should submit to another, to the superior judgment of another, and to the weakness of another, and to the admonitions of others, and so as to perform all offices of love: and the manner in which this duty is to be performed, is

in the fear of God;
which may be considered as the moving cause of submission, or, as the rule of it; submission should be on account of the fear of God, and so far as is consistent with it; and indeed, the fear of God is that which should influence and engage to every duty; and which should be before our eyes, and in exercise in our hearts, in all concerns, civil and religious: the Alexandrian copy and some others, the Complutensian edition, and the Vulgate Latin and Ethiopic versions read, "in the fear of Christ"; who is the head of the church, and King of saints, and as such to be feared and reverenced; and for his sake there should be a submission to one another; the Syriac version reads, in the love of Christ, which should constrain the saints to this duty.

Éphésiens 5:21 In-Context

19 Entretenez-vous ensemble par des psaumes, des hymnes et des cantiques spirituels, chantant et psalmodiant de votre cœur au Seigneur;
20 Rendez grâces toujours pour toutes choses à Dieu le Père, au nom de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ.
21 Soumettez-vous les uns aux autres dans la crainte de Dieu.
22 Femmes, soyez soumises à vos propres maris, comme au Seigneur,
23 Parce que le mari est le chef de la femme, comme aussi le Christ est le chef de l'Église, qui est son corps, dont il est le Sauveur.
The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.