Jude 1:23

23 Les arrachant du feu, haïssant jusqu'au vêtement souillé par la chair.

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Jude 1:23 Meaning and Commentary

Jude 1:23

And others save with fear
Meaning false teachers, who lead others into errors, and such as give themselves over unto sin, whether teachers or hearers, and who are obstinate and irreclaimable; even such as these, means should be used to save, if possible, by sharp admonitions and severe language; by denouncing the awful judgments of God, which threaten them; by inflicting on them church censures in a terrible manner; by declaring the terrors of the Lord, and of hell, and of everlasting damnation:

pulling [them] out of the fire;
of their soul destroying doctrines, and of their filthy and unnatural lusts, and as it were out of the fire of hell, of which they are in great danger:

hating even the garment spotted, by the flesh;
by which may be meant the conversation of those men, even their filthy conversation, which is to be hated, though their persons are not; but all ways and means should be used to save them; and this is one way, by showing a dislike unto, and a resentment at their wicked way of living, excluding them from church communion for it, and shunning all conversation with them. The allusion is not to garments defiled by profluvious persons, or menstruous women, as some think, but to garments spotted with nocturnal pollutions, or through unnatural lusts, which these persons were addicted to F12. It was reckoned very dishonourable for religious persons, in the time of divine service, or on a sabbath day, to have on a garment spotted with any thing; if a priest's garments were spotted, and he performed service in them, that service was not right F13; and if a disciple of a wise man had any grease on his garments (on a sabbath day), he was guilty of death F14.


F12 Vid. Sueton. in Vita Neronis, c. 28.
F13 T. Bab. Pesachim, fol. 65. 2. & Zebachim, fol. 18. 2. & Piske Tosephot in Yoma, art. 9. & Maimon. Cele Hamikdash, c. 8. sect. 4.
F14 T. Bab. Sabbat, fol. 114. 1.

Jude 1:23 In-Context

21 Conservez-vous dans l'amour de Dieu, en attendant la miséricorde de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ pour la vie éternelle.
22 Et ayez pitié des uns en usant de discernement, et sauvez les autres avec crainte,
23 Les arrachant du feu, haïssant jusqu'au vêtement souillé par la chair.
24 Or, à celui qui peut vous préserver de toute chute, et vous faire comparaître sans tache et dans la joie en sa glorieuse présence,
25 A Dieu, seul sage, notre Sauveur, soient gloire et magnificence, force et puissance, et maintenant et dans tous les siècles! Amen.
The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.