Nahum 1:6

6 Qui subsistera devant son indignation? Et qui restera debout dans l'ardeur de sa colère? Sa fureur se répand comme un feu, et les rochers se brisent devant lui.

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Nahum 1:6 Meaning and Commentary

Nahum 1:6

Who can stand before his indignation?
&c.] No creature whatever; no man nor body of men; not Nineveh, and the inhabitants of it; nor the whole Assyrian empire: and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger?
not the great men of the earth; not kings or generals of armies; not kingdoms and nations, ever so numerous and powerful; but all must be consumed by him, who is a consuming fire; see ( Jeremiah 10:10 ) ( Revelation 6:15-17 ) ; his fury is poured out like fire;
or like metal that is melted by fire, and poured out by the force of it; or like fire of lightning poured out of the heavens, which is quick, powerful, and penetrating, and there is no resisting it: and the rocks are thrown down by him;
by the Lord, by his wrath and fury; kingdoms that seemed as strong and immovable as rocks and mountains are thrown down; as such have been by the force of fire bursting from the midst of them, as Etna, Vesuvius, and others.

Nahum 1:6 In-Context

4 Il tance la mer, et il la dessèche; il fait tarir tous les fleuves; le Bassan et le Carmel languissent, et la fleur du Liban se flétrit.
5 Les montagnes tremblent devant lui, et les collines se fondent; la terre se soulève devant sa face, le monde et tous ses habitants.
6 Qui subsistera devant son indignation? Et qui restera debout dans l'ardeur de sa colère? Sa fureur se répand comme un feu, et les rochers se brisent devant lui.
7 L'Éternel est bon; il est une forteresse au jour de la détresse, et il connaît ceux qui se confient en lui.
8 Mais, par un flot débordant, il fera du lieu de cette ville une entière destruction, et il poursuivra ses ennemis dans les ténèbres.
The Ostervald translation is in the public domain.